Why is she so edgy?

why is she so edgy?

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She wants human cock

>inb4 "You are an incel if you don't like my diversity squad", seethe, whyte peepo, farming (you)'s, etc

She’s cold blooded

>refunded after that intro and seeing the squad select-screen
holy shit why are shills so active?
(((2k))) really wants those sale numbers

t. falseflagger trying to make people defend the bad writing to be contrarian

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Bad writers only know how to write one personality: sarcastic cunt.


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It's astonishing how often inexperienced writers fall back on snark as a substitute for personality.


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How many Canadians do you think she ate?

She wants that human bacon.

Attached: Snek Bacon.webm (480x360, 449.58K)

Not enough.

Torque is unironically fucking great, so is Axiom but he constantly fucking dies so I don't get to hear as much from him
it's really refreshing to have an actual evil teammate, it's why I kept Julian around in 2

Why are you playing a shit game?

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>Yas Forumsincels buy a game for a promised alien waifu

>she's actually shit


>thread about the game dies in less than 20 posts
>blatant bait thread already well on its way to bump limit

I heard she was the only good character in the game

so what went wrong with the game?

bad writing and gameplay feels very repetitive compared to other X-COMs

I mean that's a real life personality though

I've heard that she's one of the better characters and she is a useful unit, though

It's another game that tries to use political pandering to deflect the fact that it's shit.

Its XCOM with premade units. That's enough to fuck it up in my book. They let you play as aliens and you don't get to make your own or customize them? Its just wasted potential.

What went wrong with your life?

Is this like a 15$ expansion pack / DLC for the main game? They're not really charging full price for this are they?

At least 3 most likely will be a return to the previous gameplay and feature customizable AYYYY's. Now the real question is, what kind of personality will Bradford have in 3?

He's your president, act like it.

Spin off and no they aren't charging full price. It's currently on sale until march 1st for half off. Real price is twenty dollars US, but for now it's ten.