>he hires pawns
>he hires pawns
nice b8
try harder next time m8
>not hiring loli pawns to help (you) as a big cool guy or onee-chan pawns to help (you) as a shota
No one actually hires pawn that is a myth.
But if I don't hire pawns, how will I know that wolves hunt in packs and that goblins ill like fire?
>He uses weapons
I'm really turned off by the pawns in this game. It seems like the most roundabout way of getting party members I've ever seen.
How feasibly can I play it alone?
I've had the same pawn for like 3/4 of my game because she has just above 1I magick super early into the game. Only problem is she spams bolide no matter what
Was this game good I heard it's ok but not that good. Does it stay interesting throughout?
Goblins aren't actually weak to fire or ice as they take the same damage from every source in the game except dark which they slightly resist.
Those soulless bastards have been lying to us for years.
It's better tahn shit souls
it's one of those 7/10 games that is a 9 or 10 to the right person and expectations
My second playthrough was Fighter only until I went to BBI so it's possible.
This but unironically.
The story isnt anything to gawk at, but the execution pared with the combat just made a more impactful experience to me.
The overworld is surprisingly small
I wasn't being ironic. I enjoyed my time in Dragons Dogma way more than Dark Souls. I hate how clunky Dark Souls is, maybe the sequels are better I dunno.
Perfectly doable, especially with the assassin buff that makes you stronger solo, but there's a few story points where you NEED your main pawn and some enemies are way stronger than intended.
Its only a 7/10 if you player boring ass inept warrior class.
It's pretty big for a 2013 game imo
Forgive me fellow arisen.
And they do but only with few advances in combat. Still no where near as fun as DD.
It's really good IMO.
Extremely good combat by RPG standards (like a dialed-down DMC for melee classes), not a whole lot of choice affecting quest outcomes but what's there feels really organic. Story's pretty cliche, but it has a few really good ideas at its core that make the rest of it feel worthwhile.
DDON private server WHEN?
was that shit ever good, isn't it nippon only
>Ditching your personal loli
why tho? how can you be so cruel with your loli?
>hi, we're people, but not really. Please own us, master.
It's stupid as hell.
It was DD with the option of customizing several pawns or playing coop, so if you liked DD chances are you would've enjoyed it. Nip servers got shut down a while ago.
You can only own 1 (one) loli that you personally create, hiring more lolis is a sin.
Also, the pawns only ever show what seems to be real concern for the arisen they are cold to anyone else, your main pawn has more personality that the entirety of NPCs in the game, ironically the pawn feels way more human than any fucking NPC.
>not being a shota with a party full of busty onee-sans
Are you even playing the game right? The only thing hard about the game is me so who cares if I hire more pawns
Why not just make your own starting pawn a loli or onee-chan?
not hard, more fun.