Politely and reasonably debate between 2 and 3 in this thread.
Ratchet thread
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the shooting is so good in 3 that in some aspects i do prefer it yes. Deadlocked is so stripped that it isnt as fun, while 3 still has long jumps and some pretty okay platforming sections. Its streamlined, but it is watered down. I may just need to play 2 again to reassess my feelings since I am saying this stuff fresh off a 100% run for the game.
Disc gun kinda sucks till it upgrades to v5 iirc
They're both great games, fairly cheap and on the same console. Just play them both.
who doesn't play into like their fifth challenge run on their first file? disc gun will be op for 95% of your playtime in that case
I'd rather talk about the future of this series.
I just remember it kinda being a pain to level up. I think i prefer the suck canon honestly, it is such a great weapon
The movie flopped so it doesn't have any
It is just as painful to level up as every other weapon because you have to shoot it at the enemies.
Just wait until you're most of the way through the game and then use it to kill stuff in the last couple planets and it levels up to level 5 extremely fast since those enemies give so much xp
That's a pretty short discussion
Try again
2 > 3 > 1 > 4
The movie flopped but the game didn't which thankfully means we won't have another movie tie-in game any time soon.
stop sleeping on 1 you guys
it deserves another playthrough with fresh eyes and an open mind
believe me i didn't love it at first either because my first ratchet was 3 and i worked backwards from there. give it a chance and don't think of it as "2 but you can't strafe and the weapons suck and where are my weapon level ups and lock ons wtf"
Even if we get new game, the franchise has still lost its identity. The reboot also makes it difficult to remake GC and UYA since Qwark is now a hero and Ratchet is the only Lombox (so no Angela). It's possible they remake Deadlocked, but you just know they'd force Qwark in and make it like Tak The Great Juju Challenge. It's over, senpai.
>The reboot also makes it difficult to remake GC and UYA
No it doesn't because they can just ignore the 1 remake.
The movie-tie was a one-off.
if they ignore 1's remake then it will have continuity issues and zoomers are gona bitch like they always do when a game whose story is clearly on the back burner, with respect to gameplay, doesnt make sense
Deadlocked is better than both.
1 had some of the best music and some of the best planet designs. Gameplay wise, it's my favorite to go back to since you can't just shoot your way through everything. In a way, its datedness works in its favor. Also, it has the most emotional story in the franchise.
>I will make you proud, mom
It's over bros. Ratchet is dead.
>Most emotional story
More like the only story worth a damn everything else was just "Ratchet do the thing"
>He does the thing before a betrayal last minute occurs where now he has to do another thing.
its so surreal that everyone even dunkey praised this game on release, then one british dude critiqued the game which caused so many people to just absolutely hate the game
my favorite game series of all time
1-2-3 are all classics and i wish we had games like those again
>Oh no I actually need to use the aim mode that became obsolete after this game
>Oh no I need to actually use weapons for different situations instead of just ammo dumping mindlessly
>Oh no I need to actually use my wrench when shit gets rough.
1 was kino and it didn't even need the gay health upgrade system just crank down a can of pussy juice and get some hits.
>believe me i didn't love it at first either because my first ratchet was 3 and i worked backwards from there. give it a chance and don't think of it as "2 but you can't strafe and the weapons suck and where are my weapon level ups and lock ons wtf"
i actually have a review i did of 1 from back in the day, here are excerpts
>the problem is that most of the weapons are completely useless. You don't get an actually good weapon until quite a while into the game, and even then, it's difficult to use. This lies in the game's problems with controls, which are a bit slippery and loose, to say the least. [...] Even when you get the ability to strafe, it's almost useless because of how slow it is! Considering the weapons part of the game, you'd think that being able to comfortably use the weapons would be a big part.
>The character of Ratchet is almost unlikable. Throughout the first half of the game, he's kind of a douche. He spends most of his time snarking at Clank and not caring much about the plot, much to Clank's dismay. [...] for most of the game, he's an annoyance with a slight surfer dude accent who only serves to irritate.
>However, the biggest problem is have with the game is, again, the controls. They're loose and slippery and shooting stuff is hard. Considering this is a game where a large emphasis is put on shooting stuff, that's not very good. As well, partly due to this, and partly by design, the game is pretty difficult. [...] Without mastering the game's mediocre controls, it's nearly impossible to survive the onslaught of difficult enemies, especially with your arsenal of joke weapons.
>The controls and weapons are easily outmatched by future entries in the series
I've only played 2. Is 3 just as good?
Ducks > Sheep
but user
the blaster is the tits
the pyrociter is the tits
the agents of doom are the tits
taunter sucks
the mine glove is the tits
the suck canon is the tits
and it goes on and on. The blaster is one of the best single target weapons in the game. It has ridiculously high dps, and the pyrociter is just straight up a great weapon.
and this is my opinion, but the slow controls add to the gameplay, similar to darksouls' sluggishness.
>all these "problems" have now been solved
>the series is so streamlined and simplified that it's dull and hollow now
Gee, thank you for your service
>Most of the weapons are completely useless
You look me in the eyes and tell me the bomb glove was an obsolete piece of filth despite a version of it popping up in every single game since. Every weapon has utility in the first game.
>Not using the taunter as free box breaking material
I mean it's still ass in actual combat but even THAT had utility
1 hast the best fucking music, atmosphere, and levels. Yes, being unable to strafe is annoying, but honestly it’s nice compared to what the gameplay devolved into. That fucking Olga is orbit theme is a banger
Pretty much. You'll have a preference between the two but the difference isn't extreme enough to warrant skipping one
I disliked all of the galactic ranger missions but not the rangers themselves.
taunter was satisfying to use in that aspect
i also used the suck canon as a vaccum for bolts, so fucking satisfying
collecting bolts was the most satisfying in 1, its unreal
nothing in the series will ever match gemlik base or final veldin.
>people list "the missions" as a plus
None of them in 3 are fun. Zero percent success rate with those. Then they wasted like three planets with missionshit and one of the first things you have to do in the game is do a bunch of missions in a row. Fuck missions.
I loved the rangers. Their personality reminded me of pic related, and their design is superb. Back when Ratchet & Clank had real sci fi in its art direction instead of just wannabe Pixar shit.
Come on, now. Insomniac has to stop making Spiderman games at some point.
Also the holoshield was a massive pain to level.
This is a bash against 1 but the bolt economy was so fucked in that game that every pick up felt like striking gold. Both being frustrating to deal with as you had grinding but also making each grab feel like a giddy jolt rushing through your brain as you get pennies off the floor for that visibomb gun.
The bomb glove had so many fucking tubes and I loved it for that reason. Each weapon just looked sleek yet grungy at the same time it was penis throbbingly good
>1 hast the best fucking music
I literally can't remember any of the music from any of the games off the top of my head except for 1's music
Regardless of what you think, all 4 PS2 ratchets are fantastic
Meanwhile Jak has a great first game and everything after is just straight garbage.
I forced myself through Jak II this week and I can for sure say I'm probably never gonna do it again.
Meanwhile I'll happily replay Sly 1-3 and Ratchet 1-4 any time.
That video made me go play 1, which I absolutely loved, but I dunno, 2 didn't grab me as much.
>Meanwhile Jak has a great first game and everything after is just straight garbage.
How could someone say something so controversial, yet so based?
i liked the economy in 1 because of that. You could save bolts for 3 planets and suffer to get the tesla claw for instance, it was a lot of player choice. Bolts are thrown in you in the later games. I bought all the weapons, including the ryno, in ratchet 3 for instance
>he can't sing Death To Squishies by heart