This is the ONE scene that broke me.
I have no connections with these charaters aside what was presented me in this game, I don't know about the other games.
Still, they make this work.
Exactly in this line. You expect Kiryu, the anime trope who fuck everyone and everything against all odds to turn around and fight the betrayer.
And he just apologize. He is sorry. He apologizes to the only person in the world that makes him think and not hit first.
This is the saddest thing I have ever experienced in entertainment.
Have you ever cried because a videogame?
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Nishiki is a real fucking retard after all the shit kiryu's done for him
Actually most of the "brothers" are fucking retarded, is it a trope in yakuza movies for them to fuck over their sworn brothers?
Kiryu is good, but he's even better in the side stories. Something about how he'll accept just about any wild shit people throw at him and goes out of his way to help them, but never abides assholery. I dunno, he just seems like good dad.
No tears but this place? It was home and it's always hard saying goodbye.
Drakengard 3
Fate. The setup makes me depressed
Marathon Infinity
Lisa, but that was the intended effect
Wait until you finish the game. You'll cry a river.
That scene got me, but the one later got me even harder.
You know the one if you've played the game.
tadaima onii-chan
Yakuza are generally very stupid people, bottom of the barrel in society. It's kind of funny how RGG portrays them, it's almost never in a good light outside of the few characters that live in the underworld with honor and almost all of those people are playable characters and a few bosses.
For the games, it's just over dramatized but stupid greedy people is probably what you would expect out that crowd minus all the cheesy drama.
Relentlessly Handsome.
He just looks like a white guy
>Yakuza are generally very stupid people, bottom of the barrel in society
The Yakuza literally run Japan, user.
Yakuza are dying out, sure they still have their hands in pro wrestling and big entertainment events but there's only like 30k of them around and most are bums who dropped out of school. I'm sure some of them are smart but not the vast majority.
Bro the entire government is full of them. Even Abe has a past with them.
Nah, there has been many laws against organized crime in japan, which have affected the Yakuza world.
Who's Kiryu modeled after? He must be quite the player with those looks.
well i don't really keep up with what happens in japan, i've had many good friends from college that came to study from japan.
>the government is full of them
is not how it was ever described to me
Rime made me cry at the end but that's because I didn't pick up on the hints that it was all just a fantasy
Rdr1 and 2 made me cry, too
I understand rdr1 but the ending of 2 felt really cliche and hollywood for me
but I never really liked Arthur so I guess I'm biased
The ending of 2 only made me sad because Arthur felt like he was sacrificing himself so John could live the family life that he had never had, and he bought John all of ten years. I wouldn't have cared about Arthur's story on it's own. It was just because of how it tied into John's.
Fair enough, I liked the game towards the end and I liked that he got sick, I thought that was unique for a protag to die from an illness. But when they went up on that rock, and there was like 50 pinkertons around, then suddenly micah and dutch appeared for no reason (why would they still be there risking capture?) and all the pinkertons just disappear so arthur and micah can have an epic duel, I thought that was just silly. I couldn't stop thinking about how dumb that was.
Master Kong will make use of it.
God I fucking cried at Tachibana's death
Yeah, that whole thing did seem pretty stupid. I found it unbelievable that Dutch couldn't given them the slip after. Perhaps it was meant to suggest that he was collaborating with the Pinkertons.
Who's the girl supposed to be?
What I find ultimately the most tragic part of all this was how despite all the death and suffering, Jack ended up being an outlaw for the sake of revenge.
It all was for nothing in the end.
While part of me would like to see Jack's life explored further I also feel that it's better left up in the air. A story loses its magic when everything is explained.
>Harry's death in Snatcher
>Emma's death in MGS2
>Boss's death in MGS3
Kojima seems to know exactly what buttons to press to get me crying, for some reason.
I remember reading it was partly by his voice actor, too lazy to grab a pic, but I honestly don't see the resemblance
Yeah, it's pretty sad that Jack didn't learn a thing from the deaths of his two fathers.
I teared up at the beginning of KH3 and FF7R I teared up a few times due to nostalgia and feelings of blasts from the past.
Though the one game to honestly break me was the last cinematic for Final Fantasy XV. Though that came more at the expense that there was a feeling of camaraderie and friendship portrayed at the end there that I have yet to experience. I've never known any person to stick by me through any hardship I have needed to go through and just that empty feeling if realizing that at the end hit me like a bag of bricks.
Only in Yakuza 5
Kiryiu had a hard life.
bitch nigga
My Hunter.