*sips* Heroic Shattered Halls...now THAT was a good dungeon

*sips* Heroic Shattered Halls...now THAT was a good dungeon.

Attached: shattered halls wow.jpg (800x600, 174.1K)

That dungeon was so hard way back when. Weren't there invisible niggas that snuck around and 1 shot healers?

Vanilla was better for sandbox pvp, community and living world.

Tbc was better for pve players.

Wotlk and onwards was better for adhd.

*sips* Ah, Ironforge. Truly the place to be in my time! *falls asleep sitting up*

Most things in heroic one shot my clothie healer. Especially if its one of those mobs you want to pull 1 of.

Said literally no one ever

Kill yourself faggot

is there any good private server right now?
any version, just wanna sink time

Heroics in TBC were so fun and good, then again being a hunter with a brain meant I could CC 3+ things solo

After you.

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>mind controls your healer

Attached: 662283-time-lost-controller.jpg (586x684, 77.49K)

you could level a character on classic, for when they release tbcc if they allow charecter transfers or not

i knew a prot paladin who would multibox alts or guildies through heroics, just park him by the boss and nothing could hurt him

uh just will of the forsaken out of it?

Have they said they're going to release TBC classic?

They sent out a survey that was an admission that they're considering making TBC servers but it's not confirmed if they will yet

>its possible to have too much mitigation and avoidance tank that you fuck your own resource generation
What a time

>be too good at tanking
>healer gets progressively more bored because it's "going too well"
>the idea of doing damage is anathema to healers due to vanilla healboting culture
>wipe due to healer literally afking / refreshing hots then alt tabbing

Or you could just do the smart thing and slap on a bunch of PvP gear to keep you crit Immune while tanking with a 2 handed weapon as Arms.
>Healer has something to do
>Your threat is better
>You do lots of damage

why can't braindead classic tanks into threat?

tbc gave warriors some mitigations from this, druids get some in wotlk, the easy solution is to put on some dps gear

That's literally how everyone tanks in classic minus the crit immunity because resilience doesn't exist.

One our guilds first heroic Shattered Halls challenge clear the comp was Prot Warrior, Shadow Priest(me), ele/resto Shaman, holy/prot Paladin and Mage.

The paladin picking up stray aggro for the warrior while healing allowed us to be pretty aggressive and it was essentially 2.5 healers with how much healing VE put out before it got nerfed.

Nothing in Wow was hard if you had a guild/group who took it one fight at a time. Now they just fucking floor it and pull the whole dungeon.......WTF healer, keep me up while I tank 200 adds.

Sounds like FF14 dungeons. It's almost like they don't expect anyone to ever pull one group at a time. Pulling huge sections makes it fun as fuck to me as a WHM though.

Heroic arcatraz was pretty lit too

Honestly, my interest in TBC Classic has evaporated ever since vanilla Classic's mage boosting meta took over, and I realized that it'll be 10x worse in TBC with 5v5 team selling and attunement selling on top of the current leveling selling.

Way more people multibox these days too, probably the best hustle will be to have a 5v5 team with multiboxed Shamans and just keep churning out high rated 5s teams to sell

Plus it'll be 2.4.3. We can't go back.

>mind flay ticks for 50% of HP
ehhhhh, I dunno about that one

>running Karazhan for the nth time
>End up wearing a lovely purple dress to get my mitigation/avoidance down, so I actually have rage to work with
>Warlock throws a fit
>he ragequits the guild
>resulting drama spiral leads to the guild falling apart

What a time

not gonna give those fuckers a dime

>Plus it'll be 2.4.3

why would they start TBC at the end of the expansion? theyll roll it out like they did with classic

i agree that mage boosting faggots would ruin it like it ruined classic though

Because Classic started at 1.13 you mong

Heroics and T5 need to come prenerf. I think Gruul and Kaz could use their changed values.

oh shit they rolled out raids at the same rate but classes were their end versions my bad

Will they really repeat the same mistake of nerfed content with buffed classes/gear? It seems like TBC people are at least asking for changes.

Blizzard isn't putting enough resources in their Classic team to do any 'prenerf' tuning, especially not for heroic dungeons. 2.4.3 Paladin tanks trivialize heroic dungeons anyway.

They'll have an understaffed QA team with access to a frankenstein 2.4.3 'reference client' that they compare things to for 'bug fixes', just like vanilla. Nothing that requires new work.

I remember farming this dungeon 14 times to get a 1-5 chance on a drop for my twink.
It's not the unluckiest, but from getting the group together and the difficulty of the dungeon it was infuriating