what do you guys think of think of them?
What do you guys think of think of them?
not videogames
drama queens
Why are so many people here invested in the personal lives of ecelebs?
What’s the appeal?
I have no friends in real life.
>tfw have a rich cast of both real life friends and online friends from a forum I went to years ago
Feels good, lad.
If only hiromoot made an eceleb board already to contain them
meant to quote
>matt rakes in 100-200k views on his vides
>pat and woolie's non podcast videos barely get to 5-10k
matt won in the long run
They're surrogate friends who share your interest in bidya james.
Don't give them a containment board to legitimize them, just ban it outright. This board needs a fucking cleaning of all this shit. Thinly veiled political baiting, e-celebs, and non-video game porn threads. I just want to go back to talking about video games.
Make mobile game and a Nintendo containment boards while you're at it.
E-celeb board when?
cry about it bitch nigga
Isn’t /vg/ the mobile games containment board already?
how the FUCK does that fat balding midget Pat have a hot gf?
it amazes me how people on this board will call 8/10s ugly trash then call pat's gf hot
I'm baffled he was the one who ended up putting more effort into his content
He sounded miserable in the last days of SBFP
She wanted someone who will die of health complications at a young age like she will, like an extraordinarily dumb Romeo and Juliet.
shes hot tho
>What do you guys think of {e-celeb}
I don't.
her fetish is fat balding midget.
Basically, but it's not supposed to be. Every general I used to use on /vg/ is now dead because the board needs a new general for every new gacha. Some even need multiple generals per gacha.
matt's still making videos?
People here have the lowest standards man.
They think that a talking head, with legs and a vagina is hot.
You'll notice that guys in general sell themselves short. It's sad man.
Youtube views mean nothing compared to twitch donations. I would bet Pat makes more in one day streaming than Matt does in an entire month. Even with Pat telling his paypiggies he hates all of them and to keep giving him money while chewing into the mic.
They were the only Let's Play group I ever followed. I loved the Shitstorm marathons and David Cage bullshit, and was genuinely bummed when they broke up.
But better for people to move on rather than force a group dynamic for the sake of it.
To be fair, I'd rather see a waifu threads than e-celeb shit / drama.
But it's like preferring being shot to being stabbed.
Pat is circling the drain, he's obsessing over people questioning his "10.5/10" rating of FF7R while he was sponsored.
I don't.
matt is an SJW because his wife is a fat privileged italian feminist, so he's fucking trash, pat is lazy piece of shit that's cultivated a fanbase of trannies and furries, so he's locked into that forever, until he accidentally offends them and gets destroyed for it, and woolie is just plain incompetent, anytime one his friends talks about something, he shuts them down, because he'd rather have dead air, than off topic conversations. all in all, they need eachother to not be worthless.
I don't know why people wouldn't expect him to give it a high rating, sponsor or not. He's been very clear he's a fanboy, and most of the game is good.
I honestly kind of miss them. Along with OneyPlays, they're probably the only LPers that I really enjoyed watching. They had a pretty good chemistry, and I liked that they would generally play whatever they happened to be into rather than the games that were "in vogue" at the time.
And while I generally don't pay attention to the personal lives of e-celebs, it does sort of bum me out that they aren't friends anymore.
Given the number of people I've seen on Yas Forums who see a picture of a decently pretty girl and say something like "elbows too pointy, 2/10 totally disgusting", I'd say it's typically more the opposite of that.
>elbows too pointy, 2/10 totally disgusting
this is a 15 year old meme, lad.
>Square paid for his copy of FFVIIR
>didn't even disclose it until he got called out
>defended the shitty ending
>HURRRRR 11/10
Come Pat i liked the remake too but it's not THAT good. Xenoblade DE is going to blow it the fuck out of the water later this May.
It's okay when Devolver does it.
It's not that, it's him going on for days being butthurt about people pressing [x] to doubt the authenticity.
Even with his legion of rabid trannies defending him it really has gotten under his skin.
That's a meme man.
That 10/10 you see and they're nit picking. That's the joke. It's an old one at that.
Difference is: Twitch makes a LOT more money than Youtube nowadays. Youtube's era was over even back when thesw1tcher existed.
So even though he's getting 200K views, I would not be shocked to learn that Pat makes more money with his 6+ hour friend simulator streams. Even if Matt's videos take way more effort and are way higher quality.
Don't know who they are. Take this eceleb shit to reddit.
>matt is an SJW because his wife is a fat privileged italian feminist, so he's fucking trash
good thing i don't have to pay attention to any of that with his heavily scripted content.
his streams or anything involving him and his goblina together are fucking unbearable.so im basically saying he has a tolerable speaking voice and pedestrian opinions on vidya while also putting out decent CAWNTANT.
I always looked forward to the shitstorms every October but I stopped watching them and found became interested again after reading about how they disbanded.
It was pretty sad because the first videos I watched of theirs were the resident evil 2 lets play back in 2011. I always felt Liam didn't fit in with the group.
me neither, but still, why do you care about them?
its stupid, you could be getting enriched by the knowlege, real knowledge, but instead you are wasting time and space in your brain over the mundane lives of people you will never met in real life