The ABSOLUTE STATE of animal crossing fans

The ABSOLUTE STATE of animal crossing fans

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>Buy product
>Product fails to work

How DARE they be angry at this?!

>wasting time over useless shit instead of building a family

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What a loser he should just get a boyfriend

Great reddit thread OP.

i'd just use it as an excuse to go back to the original again

>hack my Switch
>all games are free
>can make a backup any time I want

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I want to laugh at this dweeb, but Nintendo's save system is the shittiest fucking thing ever so shitting on that takes precedence.

why are you here

its just funny to see nintendies get btfod by their incompetent company they worship so much

He's not wrong. This is pretty shit.

>another Reddit screenshot thread

>building a family while in quarantine
how, faget?

> woman has a problem
> texts her cuck box
> he spergs out online in her honor

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>put in time and effort to create something you're proud of
>lose it all for no clear reason

She has a right to be upset. And you think she deserves to be mocked. WTF is wrong with you?

> just reading the text stirred so many emotions; anger, sadness, shock.

why the fuck do people write like this? It's fucking played out and unoriginal. Fuck English it's always the same flavor text.

>And you think she deserves to be mocked

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females = cancer

>I worship the companies I follow, so everyone else does too
Nice projection.

He's American and prostitution is illegal in America. Cops will often pretend to be strippers and hookers so they can arrest you when you try to have sex with them. The same happens in reverse too to try and scare women from being prostitutes by giving them $100, making them go down on a guy that was actually a cop and arresting them when all was done.

You have plenty of time too, dummy.

nice strawman retard. literally pulled that right out of your ass


Hey Snoy, be careful of the semi colon ;;;

god i hate women

I know, I'm American too. Fuck it.

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Nothing beats this

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Why doesn't she just start again, it's just a game

holy shit smells like reddit in here

This, but unironically. He's a cuck and she is, of course, an entitled cunt like any female.

>a month later and someone finally experiences save corruption issues
Ok sure, upvote whore.

>""""""""""""""""abusive es""""""""""""""""""""
lmao the only "ptsd" the roastie has is the soreness after she fucks her "abusive ex" every week.

And that woman's name?

Albert Einstein.

Yeah, everyone in here laughs at her. Until you faggots lose your save as well.
How's that feel huh?