Streaming culture will be the end of videogames

Streaming culture will be the end of videogames

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you forgot to add the GCCX guy that the weabs worship

whats his name again?

E-celebs that are OK
>any channel that at least adds humor
E-celebs that are cancer
>let's players

Daily reminder if you watch twitch streamers that aren't PROFESSIONAL level, just because you "enjoy their personality" you are a desperate, friend-seeking retard

Stop making e-celebs threads. One of my other 10 tranimal crossing threads died for it.

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>streaming culture
>chad warden

this image is missing jer,a

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Jerma is based

wtf i love nintentards now

Thank you
>chad warden
this board i swear

Perhaps, though it has slingshot gaming into the mainstream reviving the industry. Even ESPN has a gaming subnetwork now. Unfortunately streamers make themselves out to be the gaming elite which is incredibly bad for gaming communities because it gives streamers a false sense of skill. Of course they look untouchable when all of their content is edited to look like they’re gaming gods.

Streamers are just faggots you can ignore. Something you are not doing.
Microtransactions and live services are the bigger blight on the industry and what is currently killing it by turning every game into a $60 virtual shop to spend more money in.

and the difference of it being on a professional level is? it's just like talk shows user, they're a parasocial relationship for small minds.

Youtube and "virtual youtubers" are even worse thsn Twitch arguably
Simping for a fucking cartoon pretending to play videogames, yes, people doing that exist and are doing it now too.

Streaming is... nothing. No editing, no scripting, it takes the worst of the "ramble-channels", those 45+ minute videos where the narrator just goes around in fucking circles without making a single point (see: TotalBiscuit) and turns it up to 11.

Let's Plays are fucking terrible, though, they're nearly as bad.

Gotta say it tho i love watching radbrad because of how bad he plays yet he is the most famous let's player

>E-celebs that are OK

but what if you are a lolcow streamer or lets player?

>will be
They have already ruined several games.

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>will be
You're cute.

Twitch is doing a lot of damage to the industry because a lot of kids just watch streamers and form their opinions off of them instead of trying games for themselves and forming their own opinion.

The fuck is a lolcow

This user is right, it's already over. Gaming is no longer even about handing you a subpar experience, it's about providing a game that enough streamers can enjoy for 5 hours so that their braindead followers will buy it too. Along with a shitload of other things, of course, but you get the point.

does Yas Forums not do the same thing to impressionable, non-mainstream teenagers

Kiwifarms speak for unintentionally funny person on the internet

google dumbass

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Kinda the whole internet is like this, i unironically go and buy games that are heavily bashed because some e celeb made some meme about it and everyone adopted it, some of them are really good desu

Maximilian deserves to be removed from the list after his researched, bloodborne-esque deep dive into Final Fantasy 7 Remake. That video was fucking incredible.

Its funny because the mods keep up game grumps threads but delete oney despite him making an actual game. Fucking retarded fangy faggots.