Pyra or Mythra?
Pyra or Mythra?
Rex in his cute onesie.
Which one of those two women do you suspect would be more likely to do anal?
niether because its a bad videogame
The fuck is wrong with the mythra girl? Looks like her dad's but to fuck her for the 4th time today
They are 16
I officially take back my complaints about Perun not getting enough fan art.
At least no one will likely ever 3DPD her.
Chie is ugly and smells bad
Those are both trannies aren't they.
wtf op couldnt you find a pyra modle with a broken nose too and buck teeth. lol
in all honesty id fuck both but as far as fantasy goes that mythra is low tier. but im all about mythra.
bro your third example the white woman is hotter not some long schnosed freak, the second has sharper eyes too shit examples bro.
there it fappable
>white ugly, asian cute
You will never be Japanese, weeb faggot.
Does the Pyra girl have huge tits or is it all padding?
fuck off
>anime example has a super small nose and no bridge
>real life japanese example has wide as fuck nose and a tree-tier bridge
This shit makes no sense
welsch cat girl
Shitty graph but who is that jomon qween bottom left?
That thing on the left is a tranny with one of those titty bodysuits. I'm not even going look up the right one.
They're both boys, so...
At first I thought left was this woman because of the schnoz, but it's pretty obviously a different costume.
Hikari is the patrician choice
wtf bros you told me white women were the most beautiful...
who's the one on the right