Seriously, a GOTY contender
It's a masterpiece
I wish it was a new Final Fantasy.
That’s my only complaint. I hate that the series is doing what Sakaguchi urged them not to do. Sequels and remakes
Aside from a number of padding issues, I agree.
the best part was when sephy spoils aeriths death in the first hour of the game
if most chapter was like 17 with well-designed puzzle and calibrated encounter, i think it could be, but lots aera feel rushed.the time jannies actually not as bad as ppl claim it remind me of miyazaki's monoke in a way and some other anime film.the only silly bit is killing barret then revive and the stuff with hojo and revealing sephy so early
this game is a train wreck
If it's goty it would only be due to lack of competition. There's some great highlights, but on the whole it's very messy and has a slapped together feel to many areas visually and design wise.
You're not wrong, but mechanically it's entirely new
I've enjoyed playing FFVIIR more than any FF since VIII
It's not trying to spoil anything
the game knows you already know she's going to die, and Aerith and Sephiroth are both aware of it as well
Aerith is cute
I am going to be absolutely fucking livid when they make us start over again at level 1 with no materia or skills unlocked in pt2. It’s going to happen and you all know it - the last time we got proper sequel progression was twenty years ago with Baldur’s Gate 2.
Why? It has nothing to offer but nostalgia.
Say something good about it without ‘Well now I don’t know what’s going to happen, so excited! durr!’
It’s generally excepted FF15 was a bit of a ‘meh’ even after years of updates, what does this game do better?
yeah, we need room for more EPIC SMAAAAAAAASH THREADS.
i was honestly blown away by this game, everything about it is firing on all cylinders most of the time. The gameplay alone makes this one of my favorites. definitely will be replaying this one many times before the next chapter. I'm on the final level and it seems to have kind of gone off the rails, i really dislike everything with the ghosts so far and just feel that it was unecessary and gets in the way of the story.
i hope they don't do that, allowing you to carry over your progress would allow them to make even crazier fights right out of the gate. i hope they port all or some of the boss fights from chapter 1 into part 2 as well so we can fight them with the new party members/weapons/abilities
i can't wait for tortanicfags to grasp at straws when episode 2 gives you a save data bonus and starts you off at a reasonable level. my guess is that the next narrative will be that squeenix is "anti-consumer" for not letting you trivialize the game with all the best materia right away.
the gameplay is fantastic, you should try out the demo if you haven't. personally i think the majority of cutscenes and story aspects are really well done, the "time ghost" stuff sticks out like a sore thumb and it'd pretty bad honestly but not enough to ruin the game. and the soundtrack is incredible, not to mention the fantastic setting and great characters.
Forgetting about me?
not with that critic metascore
Well what other games came out this year?
>Why? It has nothing to offer but nostalgia.
I've never even played the original and it's my GOTY so far
>the game knows you already know she's going to die
I thought part of the purpose of 7R was to introduce new players to the story?
>and Aerith and Sephiroth are both aware of it as well
this is some retarded ass writing. I know some people are excited to see where the story goes, but I can't imagine it going anywhere worthwhile.
>take the 4-5 hour extended tutorial of the original game and extend it to be 30+ hours
The combat system is surprisingly refined and decently complex. I also like the weapon upgrade system, it keeps older weapons relevant, unlike the original, where you'd ditch each weapon for the newest and greatest.
What does it have to contend with? This is an easy win
Will definitely get it on PC at its inevitable release
>i can't wait for tortanicfags to grasp at straws when episode 2
don't worry. episode 2 will give us "tortanicfags" plenty of meaty things to complain about. no grasping at straws will be required.
It will let you carry over your old save, the level cap and one-time only materia is proof of this
However it will also have a blank slate difficulty setting for newcomers
oh, i'm sure you'll all be clinging to any autistic nitpick you can find while it goes on to be another critical and commercial success. must suck being perpetually miserable.
I have.. was it the quest where you had to find the cats or the knock over boxes that made this game of the year?
Maybe It was that section where a monster steals a key and you have to chase it for 10 pointless fucking minutes.
On 2nd playthru I’m skipping cut scenes... and there’s nothing, just slogs till you get the next cut scene, I know you could say this of many jrpg’s but here it sticks out like sore thumb.
Only thing I can give it: Boss fights on hardmode are pretty enjoyable...except when you realise they’ve padded those out too.
>I've never even played the original
so your opinion doesn't matter
>the quest where you had to find the cats
is this your first rpg? kiseki fans have been finding lost cats for nine straight games, soon to be ten. i've never seen this much crying about what is a fairly standard early-game side quest in games that have them.
I don't know what you think spamming your shitty meaningless webms in every thread accomplishes but it's impressive levels of autism.