Reminder that blockchads are preferred over checkervirgins
How goes hybrid chasing?
Reminder that blockchads are preferred over checkervirgins
How goes hybrid chasing?
Other urls found in this thread:
So below is the best way to get hybrids?
Top for single-color hybrids, bottom for two-color
look at this dumb fatty eating a donut at night
Im going to commit bros. 7k turnips rotting. gone. just gone. this is it
Diana is always slamming down a donut when I see her
>tfw you finally get some cool clothes
are turnip prices based on your island rating because my turnip prices are always two digits
I caught a dab!!
When are the vegetables being added?
This is my last post. I love you all. I spent my entire savings on turnips and they are all about to go bad in 53 minutes. My advice to everyone here is never listen to Yas Forums about stalk market prices and NEVER listen to /acg/ about villagers.
I prefer Mabel over Sable
cute feet
Not bad!
I'm sure there's someone else out there with better prices, but my code is HLD43 in case you can't get in anywhere else
>Turnips @ 117
>Tips aren't required but appreciated
I'm here for the gangbang. Where's pen island? Somebody mentioned hackerman?
waterbug is trading titty pics for nook mile tickets
Now go kneel at the bonfire.
if i bought art can i go to a friends place to buy more?
I want to suck on Raymond’s toes
I want reddit cat so bad bros
Just start your two week trail and visit someone real quick.
where did water bug user go, she hasn't posted her rack in a while
game thinks this is a river for some reason
Oh God the home button didn't disconnect me from Celeste user's island. Should I just close the whole game? I've been stuck for several minutes in the building loading transition screen.
You can't buy art but you can buy furniture
Bros, Ankha is sitting on people faces for 99k Bells each, get the in here
villager is giving me a boner for some reason
>Delete my old island that I worked on for a month just to change its name, and I had to botch it so it would fit (Outr Heven)
>Spend all day yesterday time travelling to the point I was before (Right before KK shows up)
>Finally get terraforming
>Tear down literally every cliff and fill every river
>Now I have no fucking clue how to actually go about my next plan
I have Shep on this Island though and he's my new favorite villager
>crescent pond is a river
Beats my weird river that flows towards a waterfall.
Post your feet or dock plz
Any water over a certain size starts being a river.
I wanted to build a small lake infront of my stores, but I had to cut it in half because somewhere around 8x3 tiles of water, it started being a river.
more like stacy's penis examination pond
Are you still hosting?
thanks bros
What's the sex between them like?
Can you not think about sex for one minute?
No fat chicks allowed on the island.
I wasn't until that was posted, now I'm curious. That's how it works.
Technically the time between these posts was 1 minute and 15 seconds.
Believe it or not, Celeste island is open with the exact same code that faggot was spamming. It kicked us all out and was stuck on a black screen for 10 minutes but it's still open
Turnip Prices
For now, once this group leaves I'll open it again
>ms2 slime hat
hide your power level better.
Should I make a Yas Forums style MS Paint infrographic on waterfagging with anons?
If I give a villager some clothes and the wear them, but they don't give me anything in return does that mean they didn't "like" the gift?
post proof
So is it fine to go back?
Do shooting stars stop spawning when you have visitors?
Prices of the Turnip.
Kek. It'll work eventually. Or just quit out and come on back.
Remember to report the turnip troll reposting my code and eat a dick if you think this reminder is against the rules. It isn't.
No. I've never had them on my own island.
>single-color hybrids
Did I miss Pen Island today? I didn't see anything about it.
Aurora is crafting Mum Wreath, does anyone want it? Shops are all closed, so no turnip sales here
Probably not but the gate's open and you're welcome to try
He’s got a patreon now
Hyrbids that are born from two of the same color flower. Red roses make black roses. Black roses watered by the gold can make gold roses. White roses make purple roses.
turnips at 149 open for 40 more min
That fucking jew. What's his link?
how do you fail this hard? i sold mine days ago
Finally bought turnips at 90 each for 18,000 in total! I can finally hit it big alongside the rest of you.
If the next Animal Crossing doesn't add dating, I'm done with it.
Fucking strange. This is the 2nd day in a row I've had them falling and then they stop when I have someone over
Oh shit. I guess I didn't actually reopen the gate. Now we're clear.
I'm guessing a clear night can have occasional bouts of shooting stars without being a meteor shower
Sorry user
Post the code.
I guess I'll try again
Did anybody make the turnip maze yet?
what about blue
Remember to buy and customize fancy tools for your villagers.
cute town
TY bubby never though about this
Smart. I've only been buying them umbrellas.
What makes blocks preferable?
I have been getting lots of flowers with checkers.
Thanks friend
Why are the mystery islands so pointless? They never drop anything good unless you try using the ticket durring the night in hopes of spider island.
Dude, stop posting other peoples codes. I don't have Aurora.
Read up on flower genetics. Requires some basic research and planning. No one will be able to explain them to you in one post. If they try, they will inevitably be simplifying it to the point where you will make errors and lock yourself out of blue roses.
>turnips almost at 200 wed
>dont sell, think its got to go up at least once more
>all week falling and falling
>sell at 49 saturday night
dont want to play turnips anymore.
code is CTRDP
isn't me
Blocks are less likely to give identical colours.