Why are these two girls so popular?
Post progress and ask the same questions about difficulty and class changing
Why are these two girls so popular?
Post progress and ask the same questions about difficulty and class changing
Because they’re the main female characters and also are generically attractive anime girls.
Fucking Hawkeye am I right?
Have you found the sword of mana in your heart yet user?
Rogue hawkeye is disgustingly fun to play. Did he cast his stuff this fast in the SNES version. I didn't know I was missing out on this much.
Alright I need to know once and for all what would be Duran's best job pathway if my other party members are Hawkeye and Kevin?
Everyone said to go Liege, but Edelfrei sounds nice as well. Is the only reason to go Liege because of his group healing spell? What is the downside to just going Paladin? Does it just vary if you want straight DPS or a mixture of DPS and support?
dunno how predetermined these things are but since savescumming doesn't work, maybe there's something to it
for the class 3 items, so far I got
-3rd character light from fire place (chest)
-3rd character dark from molebear place (random drop)
-1st character dark from ice place (chest)
I'm level 19 and have fuck all in terms of special skills or magic. I hope it gets better after class change. Not that it's not fun now, but just mashing attack is a bit tiring now.
So I was reading a guide and it said that Kevin's Fatal Fist class actually does the highest damage of his third job change selections, is that true? I was gonna go Dark/Dark for Kevin to make him an Enlightened, but might go Fatal Fist now. Enlightened apparently gets some kind of HP sap ability so good for sustain I guess.
Rip Dolans hearing
I just started the proper game after accumulating several saves in the demo. Unlocked earth spells so right at the beginning here. Got a few questions.
Angela's in my party and with the new earth shenanigans, she can unlock earth damage but I need to put points into def/vit for that. Does that mean earth spells scale of that? Also, will the AI actively change spells depending on the enemy weakness or will it just randomly use light and earth from now on? Did I fuck up putting 6 points into def/vit on Angela so I could get the new shiny thingy?
Silver Dart was pretty much instantaneous and did disgusting damage, yeah. Kinda bummed Elemental Jutsu's got nerfed.
So I'm guessing I should go Rogue for Hawkeye? Or is that a meme? Was gonna go Nightblade, but Ninja Master also looks appealing for AoE debuffs. Nightblade sounds like it does high damage too...so many choices. I can't really decide.
Remember to KILL ALL RABITES regardless of their color
Do you mean the item seeds or do the items just drop by themselves? Legit question I'm not too far in.
>still no class change
Fuck I'm 12 and everything I want is getting capped cuz the cap is only 6. Figured I'd get change soon but I guess not.
>this is your heroine
how fucked are we?
You get your first change at level 18 and your second at level 36. Apparently you level up pretty quickly in the game so it shouldn't be too long before you hit level 18.
Any way to tell companions to do their special (the one with the little cutscene) without needing to change into them?
Cute and canon.
You can set their frequency to use class strike abilities in the AI settings, don't know if the cutscene plays when they use it unless you're controlling them. Not sure how that works.
>Does that mean earth spells scale of that?
No all spells scale off Int, its just retarded unlocking system
>Did I fuck up putting 6 points into def/vit on Angela so I could get the new shiny thingy?
you unlock stat in the next next town, it costs gold but its not that bad
Not sure about the AI elemental targeting since I Don't run Angela but I'll assume they'll hit weaknesses, the game kind of screams supereffective when you do it anyway
Is this a good game beside the nostalgia factor? Is it actually a good standalone game?
Amen Brother
Just slapped the optional boss in the cunt. Did the Brosquad this time, will do the Hosquad next to see how things pan out.
It just goes off in the background, no cutscene.
Rogue is fun if you want to main Hawkeye since you need to be manually controlling him otherwise Ninja Master and Nightblade are great.
t. Explosions
Its pretty much an upgraded and rebalanced version of the original game and the original itself was a good game.
is the gameplay fun and addicting? that’s all I want in jrpg. good gameplay
I'm probably gonna just continue to main Duran, but I just started. So I guess if I don't actually control Hawkeye like you said, then I shouldn't go Rogue? Wonder what is better between Nightblade or Ninja Master? Nightblade for DPS I guess? And Ninja Master for stronger debuffs? I think Nightblade gets status effects as well though so might just go Nightblade.
I wanna see if I could get one of those on a keychain or something.
Cutscene doesn't play for them and by default they only do the first one. Maybe lowering how much they have to keep available allows them to do more?. Oh and extra tidbit ordering Riesz to do her summons doesn't trigger the cutscene for it either
the ??? seeds from those areas grew into those items and they wouldn't give different results regardless of reloading and growing again
What's the most fun classes I should aim for the Theif, Slut, and Potato playthrough.
So the class items are as much of a pain as they were in the original? Just freaking great. Do they drop from the same monsters as before?
When you pick up the seeds its predetermined in the background afaik. Hard to test since you'll probably get at least 1 ??? seed by random drop before grabbing all the dungeon ones
I agree with what said. You basically need to juggle a bunch or different skills and throwing in grumpkin bombs to keep your MP up while building for class strikes. Its very fun as a main.
I mean, it's no big deal I can change to them without any penalties, I just figured I might ask in case I was missing something. I'll continue to change, special, then change back. Good thing I can order items and spells without changing though.
>Not sure about the AI elemental targeting
Thanks for answering the others. If anyone knows about this one I would appreciate.
Liege and Edelfrei are generally the best choices and it depends on your team comp.
Rogue isnt efficient if you arent spamming traps 24/7 then using your FST. Nightblade and Ninja master both get debuffs but Ninjamaster gets AOE jutsus. Jutsu really arent used for damage so its a matter of convenience because starting off a mob fight with DEF down is fun. Nightblade is a monster though and has more utility
should I go light or dark?
riesz has mad jiggle physics as fenrir knight
>member of terrorist group living in the desert
>has access to copious amounts of traps, IEDs and toxins
>always trying to seduce women and steal treasure
>cuts throats and plays darts with Belladonna's body
>might marry his aunt
What did Square mean by all of this?
It gets significantly better after class change. Believe me i was totally regretting picking duran cause of how fucking vanilla he was, then class change happened and it was awesome.
Duran - Light
Angela - Dark
Riesz - Up to you.
Are there any times in the story where you need to cough up a lot of money besides the dwarf?
consult the graph
Do traps scale of luck?
Making up for how she seemingly has none as Rune Maiden.
lol what
god I'd kill for a legend of mana remake even with the same weird low-budget manner this game got.
Don't let all those assets go to waste.
>Duran - Light
>Angela - Dark
Why do I have a feeling that's how everyone's Duran and Angela are going? Definitely mine.
Settled for this. I think I'll go Hawkeye mc, Light Riesz and Dark Angela for my next playthrough.
Traps scale off Luck, you'll need 27/33 to unlock all your traps anyway
I feel like I made a mistake making my Duran into a Paladin he feels pretty worthless. I'm not even getting much use of saint saber and my main character is Kevin
You can order party members to cast just open the skill ring and then swap to the character and select the skill and enemy target
You can build those three in a bunch of different ways. Angela honestly does well in any of her classes and shes always going to be a damage dealer. Alot of people seem to ignore Charlottes Dark classes here but she has probably the best single target debuff in the game as Necromancer. Hawk seems to be good regardless but I haven't heard much about nomad.
if Kevins your main then saint saber will be great for the final dungeon boss which are mostly undead, you can reclass post game. Whats your Kevin classed to?
Any bosses beside door-chan that are difficult? Twins were kinda hard, but not that much. I'm glad there is some actual difficulty but I need more.
I found the Fire Godbeast to be a complete dick but thats because his mechanics were annoying as fuck and the AI cant react fast enough. Twinbirb is also annoying because he has fuck huge AOE and you have 5 feet of space to run around
Same party as me user. Let riesz debuff and watch Angela go to town with crazy damage.
But wasn't the charm of legend the artwork and sprites?
Is the black rabite still exclusive to the Duran/Angela path?
I had a hard time with the 3 robots since the ai is too retarded to live.
>posting a picture when talking about jiggle physics instead of a webm
christ user
Okay planning out my playthroughs here, my plans are;
1. Duran (Paladin) / Angela (Magus) / Kevin (Warrior Monk)
2. Riesz (Star Lancer) / Hawkeye (Ninja Master) / Kevin (Divine Fist)
3. Kevin (Death Hand) / Duran (Duelist) / Hawkeye (Nightblade)
Do those class combinations go well together? I've mainly picked them on aesthetics and what I remember about the original
how is the wanderer class for hawkeye?
oh wow got duplicate class 3 items from chests in different dungeons this sucks
post game for everyone now
it certainly wasnt the boring gameplay
should you max out your base stats before changing class or can you still access those basic skills?
True, but the same could be said of the series in general.
I think I just want more mana games in general because I really like the universe.
go for Dolan/moon godbeast, the white wolfs drop ??? seeds and they make up most of the tower
>yfw Black Rabite does its ultimate move, and you have to quickly kill THREE MORE
>yfw doing it solo as Duran at the end with 2% HP left
>yfw 1exp as it fucks off.
when you change class the list justs gets longer, it doesnt change to a different one
Is this actually true now?
Anyway, how is the game so far to those who have progressed far or even beaten it? Does the difficulty scale up enough to be be at least passable?
>FF7R is a plodding mess of fetch quests and stupid story changes involving time jannies and that fucking stagger combat system
>Trials of Mana is a true-to-source remake full of silly voice acting and excellent mechanic changes resulting in far more fun combat
What the fuck is up with Squeenix and their FF department? Like DQ and this and the spinoff RPGs like Bravely are great, then they just shit the bed with every FF besides XIV
How does 2nd class items work? Im about to go get the Divine beast or whatever but I havn't seen any of those items despite being level 37
I might try nomad because I like the outfit.
The Necromancer Charlotte seems to go good with the group's storyline. Her not going back to see her grandpa and all.
But I think I need a healer so Angela might be light on my playthrough.
Can someone fucking tell me if Fatal Fist is better for Kevin than Enlightenment? I know you probably want to go the dark route on Kevin, but I'm not sure which one is better for damage. I want to say Fatal Fist is probably superior but I think to get that class you have to go light and then dark. Apparently Fatal Fist has higher crit chance than Enlightenment but Enlightenment has better techniques.
OK, that's nice. In some JRPGs you lose those abilities when changing class.
Because Duran's light classes fit into nearly any party for the bulky healer, ESPECIALLY Leige.
You really don't go Light with Duran if Kevin or Charlotte are in your party and they have gone light.
Dark Knight has good taste in bosses.
Actually wait I just saw Riesz do her class 2 super so it does seem possible to get them to do the stronger supers without switching to them
Square has fucking hated FF for almost 20 years
Light Duran is a replacement for people who dont want to run Chawette
Its a melee damage/support caster. You have access to weird spells like a magic reflect a physical hit invulnerability a crit boost along with a really damaging poison bubble spell that also drains MP.