OP: "Hey I have X issue with this game"

>OP: "Hey I have X issue with this game"
> Response 1: Same
>Thread ends.

Attached: e68.jpg (665x662, 29.35K)

>nvm solved it
>mod: closing thread

the ones where they actually write how they solved it are based

>I'll PM you the fix
>thread closed

>hey my game is having x issue, what should I do?
>sounds like you have a pirated copy, reported

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>nvm just fixed it

>fixed it, here's the link

works on my pc :)

"Hey I have X issue with this game"
>What's your specs, bro?
>You gotta tell me your specs.
>How am I supposed to help you if I don't know your specs?
"Okay, fine, here's my specs."
>Hurr I dunno, have you tried restarting your PC?

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>Dozens of threads archived online
>Not a single one actually has a solution and is all "yeah dude me 2 how fix???"

>click link below for fix
>the link’s dead

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Attached: pure evil.jpg (460x289, 30.43K)

>.rar spread across multiple rapidshare links
>one of them is dead

>Update your drivers, if that doesn't work reinstall your OS

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>"Have you tried deleting System32?"
>"No, but I'll give it a try later today."
>"Thanks a lot, it works now :)"

Attached: several questions.png (590x478, 240.24K)

>playing video games

>leads you through a tedious and long process of "fixing"
>still doesnt work
>"lol must be your ISP or something bro, call them"

>when you get a message 3 years later thanking you for updating your post with the fix

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>PC gaming is fucking flawless dude everything is perfect the only people who have issues with PC gaming or glitches or errors are fucking idiots.
>threads like this happen

>download a fix.exe file from a website that has x162asdag1y365 in it
>it works

Usually it comes from modding or game dev, I can't think of the last time I had to look up a fix for a game where I wasn't fucking with it.

you get lucky user.

>You've been warned!
>"Don't make duplicate threads, the search function exists for a reason."

>You are banned!
>"Don't necro old threads."

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I'm having an issue with my emulator! My BIOS are blank and I my ISO is of blank, any help?
>user we don't tolerate any warez talk on [a fucking emulator forum] thread locked

Hey I fixed the problem read this
Link: [Deleted]

>used to be friends with a mod on the minecraft forums back in 2013
>he would lock threads where people asked questions about bugs just to fuck with them and brag about it on skype

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>off topic discussion thread on a totally unrelated forum has the fix with working links but the actual forum dedicated to the game doesn't

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So it is another of those threads? why do you insist and persist when your show is more dead than your flacid dick after rubbing it to your horses for 10 years? give up already.


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>link is up
>link has multiple add pages
>the last one is dead

Attached: 1569648423098.gif (426x213, 2.84M)

>Figure out what the problem was on your own just by reading people trying and failing to fix their own
>dont post the solution

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