What are some endlessly replayable VR games?
What have you been playing?
VR Games
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hotdogs horseshoe and handgrenade keeps me busy, also skyrim vr
Imagine falling for the VR scam, this is like the virtual boy scam all over again.
t. zoomie that has never touched a virtual boy
Beat Saber is legitimately great. Other than that, idklol
How're you liking the potato cannon?
Says the guy who has clearly never seen a virtual boy, let alone touched one.
Imagine being such a stupid fucking bitch who doesn't realize fucking anything about the world that is going on around him just look at how deluded this gigantic fuckwad is that he doesn't see the writing on the wall this is literally and figuratively the future of video games but he'd rather just click clack click clack with his stupid outdated control schemes while smart people (like me) are adopting and pushing video games forward people like you are going to feel incredibly fucking stupid in the next few years when this shit takes off and you are still sitting around with your outdated controllers or keyboard or whatever which by the way are already going out thanks to touchscreens it just baffles me how you don't see how everything is phasing these things out yet you cling to them like an old man how fucking stuck in your old ways can you even be also the virtual boy wasn't even that bad
I will agree I haven't touched a virtual boy but this is way different than the virtual boy. It offers a new way to play games that's actually engaging
A+ got me at the end
I touched a virtual boy, it was fucking gay and very red
It made me realize Nintendo is a shitty company that scams children
Lmao ain't that the truth
Just remember the trash bin tier like the "power glove" or how the fucking pistol of duck hunt failed more than your whore mum trying to make me have an orgasm, or how they allowed that speed o board to be made and licensed. They had no shame, yet people praises them as gods and shit.
Easily RBR
>400+ tracks
>70+ cars
>pacenote editor
In other rally games you get like two dozen tracks and then you end up memorizing the stages after a while, with this you can drive a new track every day and still end up on unknown terrain after a year
>Oculus Quest is just mobile VR
why do some people actually think this?
The last time they got me was the Wii, after that I was done with their shit
Pretty happy with PCVR. It does what Nintendon't
It's mobile VR with extra sensors and Oculus software.
I was going to spend tonight actually playing VR games but I think I'm going to spend several hours making an ambiguously aged tomboy in VAM
What about that walking dead game? I saw some hilariously over the top webms from it but I didn't think to save any.
It's pretty good if you like doing groceries
Well every game is just doing normal basic chores, but with some fantasy element, be it zombies, mutants, fairies, etc
That's how they all work
all of the webms looked boring as fuck. i never get what people enjoy in gron and such games the concept is fun for 5 minutes then it's repetitive
i hate you.
Its as powerful as the switch though.
Granted, at the high framerate and resolution you need for VR most games end up looking like Playstation 2 gen, but its essentially a console.
Is has a smartphone processor and runs Android, the games are APKs.
based VR Sim racer.
Joined forces with the flight sim VR crew for the ultimate VR chad autismo experience.
t. 12 year old
You'll understand whne you have a job. And this is also why most wage slaves stop playing, because why work all day to come home to "play" aka work more.
dogfighting in DCS VR is fucking neat-o, but sadly flight sims lack some sense of speed unless you're flying inches off the ground
I have no interest in using it (at least until it becomes Matrix level of realism), but I dont see how its a scam?
>it's not mobile VR! it's as powerful as a switch!!
user, I...
I just got Sprint Vector. Will probably add a Sprint Vector session to a VR workout routine.
That being said, Beat Saber is my go to. I love the game. Almost in top 1000, one day hope to beat Taichi.
Other games that are great are Pavlov, which I play regularly. Boneworks, which I'm still playing, have already gotten the moneys worth for a SP game. The Walking Dead, I think this might be better than Boneworks even though I'm a pussy and get scared and of course loved Alyx and want to make my own mods.
I have quite a bit of VR games and not enough time to play them all. I would say at this point my time between VR and non VR gaming is split when not in Covid shutdowns, or even more VR focused with Beat Saber'ing.
nah i hate u because you're correct and you just made me aware
Just like in real life then, the only thing that you feel is G-forces, which a game cannot replicate.
My dream is to get me VTOLVR+DCS+Assettocorsa in VR.
I bought this shit but it turns out, it's a realistic table tennis simulator. I can't play at all. How do I learn to play table tennis?
I work all day and then come home and play games eat my shit you dumb retard