Link is a manlet. why is he so small?

Link is a manlet. why is he so small?

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Why is David so small in the story of David and Goliath?

he used tinyurl

So average nintendo fan can relate.

Being small is advantageous in a fight because it’s easier to dodge shit

Sidon is a big guy.

perfect onahole size for Gerudo cocks

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arent zora just fuckhuge?

Link is supposed to be the embodiment of courage. He's normally a boy who rose up to the challenge of opposing a far superior opponent, Ganon who represents power. This is further accentuated in their heights, not only is Link always short but Ganon is always freakishly huge.

haha remember when everyone was horny for sidon haha

Everyone knows the real ship for Link is Tsundere Revali.

Makes him perfect height to motorboat Midna.

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Need to make him relatable, obviously.

I don't remember adult Link being short in OoT.

Only image I could find.
He's probably not as short compared to other characters, but he is compared to Ganondorf.

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Also this image because the art is amazing.

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blowjob height

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Because he has the body of a 17 year old, he didn't grow while sleeping for 100 years.

Tru, but you're also easier to squash like a bug lol.

I don't like the autosaving feature in this game, why Nintendo do this instead of letting me save? At least have an option to toggle it on or off.

I really hope they bring vaati in or a form of his somehow since botw isn't canon anyway

Perfect height

>why Nintendo do this instead of letting me save?
It's in addition to letting you save.
You can still save whenever you want to

good one user

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except for eventide island. that place was hell at 3 hearts

The autosaves overwrite your manual saves, learned this the hard way. Fucking garbage save system.

The game gives you quite a few save slots.
What were you doing where you decided "never mind, I would rather load this 6 hour old save than keep my progress"?

all those pictures of sidon using link as a fleshlight

Just started BotW.
Please tell me it gets better and that weapons last more than five hits later on

BUILT for the Big Beastman Cock.