Pic somewhat related

pic somewhat related

>get forced to stop NEETing for a day and go to a social gathering
>somehow become trapped in smalltalk with some boomer/toddler
>"hey so what are your hobbies?"
>tell them it's vidya
>"oh. what kind of games do you play?"

what are you even supposed to say when asked that

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lie you dumb fucking frogposter

Just pick something the most mainstream out of your history. You're not a hipster, are you?

strategy games and online chess

Going to assume that / is functioning as an "or." Anyway, the answer is "anything." The probability that they'll ask any sort of follow-up question is minuscule compared to the probability that they're just asking out of courtesy and will respond by starting to talk about something they like instead.

Pick a random game for the future. Doesn't have to be a favorite game, just a game you know well or something that sounds cool to other people.
I had to do that for my "favorite" movie. I don't have one, but any time someone asks, I tell them my favorite movie is My Cousin Vinny.
Don't get me wrong, I like the movie, but I don't really have a favorite.
t. autistic

Racing games and old rts, niche enough that they can't pester you about it ever again.

>Indie 2D retro metroidvanias
If you want them to go away.

>league and pubg
If you want to blend in.

Why are you at a social gathering during a plague?

>omg I'm like so socially AWK-WERRRRD, like, tongue tied, much?! totally a MOOD, ugh, am I right?

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