Are we ever going to get Deus Ex 5?

Are we ever going to get Deus Ex 5?

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No, and preferably not. What we have is good enough, I don’t want NuDevs fucking it up. No games should be developed anymore, actually. NuDevs have proven themselves to be incompetent and this will only deteriorate as Zoomers begin to come of age. I shudder to think what destruction a generation of brainwashed retards would wreak on the world.

After HR and MD please no, those two sucked big time.

>HR sucked
What the fuck are you smoking

t. "I don't play video games but they're new entries into a classic series so they must be awful"

Even though MD sold well, Square-Enix considers almost everything it publishes to be a flop if it's not hitting insane numbers. They cancelled Deus Ex for a Marvel game. It will probably make them more money than finishing the cliff hanger we were left with, so who can really blame them.

HR was alright but it didn't feel anything like a Deus Ex game, more like a cyberpunk corporate espionage game. And it pushed stealth way too much

Please tell me all about your high I.Q. user.

I'm still waiting for Deus Ex 2

>7 years away from this game's setting
I think they overestimated how advanced we'd be

*tips fedora*

Human technological advancement overall has ground to a halt, mainly thanks to millennials and zoomers, but there must be other elements affecting it. I just don’t know what.

How, exactly, have millenials and zoomers done this?

Probably, Eidos likes to reboot shit. Might take another decade though and it might disregard MD entirely

They haven't even made Deus Ex 2 yet.

it's a different timeline that diverged in the 90's

Not really. Invisible War is the black sheep and even it still has its merits.

Attached: DXIW Combat 2.webm (600x480, 2.78M)

>diverged in the 90s
>Everett and Page still exist

They saw what the next step in technological advancement would entail, and they discreetly but swiftly banned it across the globe.

t. faggot who thinks nu-deus ex had any of the world conspiracy feel at all.
Fuck you, tasteless retard.

the HR and MD are absolute garbage

Is this hard mode? I don't remember the guns being THAT bad.

I don't remember enemies being that spongey.

>only three shots
If anything I remember the guns being worse. Holy fuck IW was a disappointment on release

>there must be other elements affecting it. I just don’t know what.
why bother making anything new? just make slightly better revisions of what we already have and print money off of dipshits who buy a brand new phone/console/gpu every year.

>No games should be developed anymore
this should be our board banner

I don't know what immersive sims or first person shooter roleplaying games you people are playing but the genre is so incredibly starved for games I'll take anything. Prey and Mankind Divided are basically all we've had in the past 5 years.

I am not going to replay Deus Ex for the 50th time, I want something new.

The plot was retarded.
Adam Jensen is a shit character.

>I'll take anything.
That's your no standards talking.

it had pretty good atmosphere. in some aspects, ill even say it was better than the original--mostly in aesthetics and ebook contents

Generally they're not. Klara just has extremely high HP because she's a plot heavy NPC and a nanoaug. The enemies on the final level of Liberty Island certainly are spongy though.

The game's combat system actually feels like you're fighting in a turn based game though because most guns have a slow fire rate.

yeah it's called cyberpunk 2077

>-mostly in aesthetics
Going against what the original set is hardly "better".

HR was fun, but the writing sucked, and they never found a way to make the things you find strewn around the world feel natural. Every thing you could read was just a painfully obvious clue to some item cache or something. Nothing existed just for the sake of existing.
And did I mention the plot?
Still, apparently I dropped over 100 hours into it. So that's something.

How could people 'hate' MD? The multiplayer and paid items were the fault of square and I played through it without even noticing they were there. The only thing that sucked about it was the fact that it ended so abruptly and now there's no followup in sight. Regardless I had a ton of fun with it.

Genre is almost fucking dead. There's no standards to be had at this point. Everything is on a pretty low budget. I mean just look at VTMB 2 they've probably only sunk a few million into that one.

If you have a spare hundred million to produce a high quality immersive sim please go for it.

We don't talk about that game.

>Genre is almost fucking dead.
So are mech sims, doesn't mean Mechwarrior 5 should exist.
>There's no standards to be had at this point.

No. it's clear to me what their big twist was going to be with Adam being father to the Dentons. Who the Mom was is an open question but the whole thing was already gay, of course it'd be the fucking French.

Marvel's Avengers needs to die first. If Square Enix doesn't kill the studios after that, we might get a new Deus EX

People hate the story missions and to be honest other than Golem City they are absolutely pathetic and I will never defend those missions. All of the side content, exploration of Prague and DLCs are actually good though.

>muh genre

>Every thing you could read was just a painfully obvious clue to some item cache or something. Nothing existed just for the sake of existing.
There was literally at least 100 emails you could read that were just to make the game world feel real, no connection to the story. Plenty of datapads too.

>dude Manderley reference
>dude Nicolette DuClare reference
>dude "allusions" at the start
The lore in HR was trash

I always want a higher quality game of course but when there's basically one immersive sim coming out per year I'll take what I can get because I have played all of the other ones to death.

Yeah fuck me for liking something

>I'll take what I can get because
Because you're a pathetic consoomer who's been condition to treating video games as food and not entertainment. You'll eat any trash because "im starved" regardless of its quality.
You are cancer.

Yeah having absolutely nothing at all and starving sounds like a much better idea. Dumbass.

Are you a retard? I specifically mentioned the 100+ emails and datapads not related to lore, plot or anything like that. Just fleshing out that places people worked and live felt like actual places.

He watched a eceleb video therefor game bad xd

There have been no good DX games since the first one yet I don't suck publisher cock for "just one more, daddy".

Yes. The next game in the series takes place directly after Human Revolution. This is a screenshot of early concept art.

Attached: Deus Ex.jpg (227x222, 1.53K)

the oldest zoomers are hardly even old enough to drink let alone change anything fucking retard

le zoomer boogieman

Why did Jensen feel more advanced than Gunther, despite being a model thats 25 years older?

Weren't augs supposed to be hyper hideous and fucked up because of all their cybernetics? Isn't that why nanotech became the big thing?
Legit asking.

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Why did the star wars prequel ships look more advanced than ships in the original trilogy despite occuring 25 years prior

Yes, like the anachronistic references to the original game that had no purpose

The OG Deus Ex and perhaps Invisible War were inspired by pop culture of that era, but more importantly designed to mimic what the world would plausibly look like in the 2050s from the perspective of Y2K. They wanted it to feel grounded in reality.

Eidos went for something completely different and heavily stylized. In context it's like they jumped the universe to the 2100s and calling it 2027.