Is hacking your Switch worth it?
Is hacking your Switch worth it?
If you can there isnt much of a reason not too. Free games, emulators and getting all the big releases at least 3 days before launch
It's annoying despite what anyone else will tell you. If you want to play online you still need to set up an emunand or whatever the fuck it is called on switch now and legally own the games you want to play.
Then if you want to switch between your clean sysnand and your piracy enabled emunand you need to completely power off your switch and connect it to your PC to inject a payload to enable homebrew.
Also if your switch dies while you're out you need to tether it to your phone after waiting for it to charge because a hacked switch can't turn on at all without being connected to a phone or PC. It feels bootleg as hell.
A not-hacked Switch is not worth at all.
So it's not simple as hacking your 3DS, where you can easily mod and still play and buy games legally?
No. If you hack your sysnand while connected to nintys servers you get instant banned and there's no way to get unbanned last I checked.
You either have to basically dual boot two versions of the switch OS if you want online for games you own, or choose to forgo online completely and hack your sysnand only.
This was my favorite Zelda after Majora's Mask. Will it ever come to Switch? Is there any hope?
It's better to have two Switch: one hacked and the other a normal switch for online.
Next year, for the 15th anniversary
You must first switch to airplane mode, delete all your wifi settings, enable the DNS to block all tendie servers, make a log of your technical reports
Make a backup of your clean switch sysnand, then you can begin creating an emunand and hacking your switch
If you fuck up the first basic step and connect to online for any reason or cause an error log on your hacked switch you're getting banned. If you delete a error log that was sent to nintendo servers you're getting banned, messing with fuse counts also ban.
Unless you’re pirating switch games, no. Homebrew ports aren’t great and emulators will run much better on your pc or phone.
New entry point when
Yes. It takes like ten minutes without backing up your NAND.
They just ported this shit to Wii U we don't need this shit on Switch.>You must first switch to airplane mode
You mean turn Airplane mode off which it should already be off by default.
>Then if you want to switch between your clean sysnand and your piracy enabled emunand you need to completely power off your switch and connect it to your PC to inject a payload to enable homebrew.
This shit hasn't been needed in like a year, nigger.
What are you talking about?
It's really not that bad.
And if you're on a good CFW, you can just restart the switch to get the choice to boot into clean sysnand again.
Plus, you can just inject the payload with your phone anyway
Why wouldn't you do it? You can keep your Switch online enabled without any risk if you want to play online and then have another partition for the hack stuff, you can mod games, change speed clocks of the switch for better performance, save files on your PC as backup and much more.
I'm still on firmware 1.1.9 and my serial number is patched, can I do anything yet or is it still not possible?
> reset in the power options
> boots hekate automatically
> launch CFW (Sysnand)
Easy pssy dude. That's how you switch between emu and sys with no repercusions.
Won't they ban you if you go online with it? I was planning on waiting until EOL to hack it. Besides that, my other main concern is that they'll release a system update that's necessary to play new games and upgrading will ruin my hack. I recall this type of thing happening with the 3DS a lot.
>launch CFW (Sysnand)
I still don't personally trust running CFW on sysnand when online
Is it actually safe?
As long as you don't go online with emunand, and don't run pirated games on sysnand, it's currently completely undetectable
Yes, just don't install themes or play apps like RetroArch because a random software error could get you banned. It's exactly the same as Stock sysnand but you can switch to emu as will.
You can play modded Morrowind on it, its pretty wild.
>As long as you don't go online, nothing will happen
Well no shit sherlock.
Maybe if you just wanna emulate shit. Not like this thing has any games even worth pirating.
I said specifically on the emumand
You can go online on the sysnand OFW, so long as you haven't played any pirated games on it
and if is to be believed, you can even go online with sysnand CFW
Just play pirated games offline on emunand, and play legally owned games online on sysnand
>supporting nintendo at all
This is why I usually avoid all switch discussion. Hopefully in 5 or more years when the switch is out, I can buy one used for discount tier price and play in pirated servers using pirated games, because fuck giving nintendo a single cent.
finally got a v1 and I'd say it's worth it
It makes for a handy Android tablet.
>Doesn't want to support nintendo
>Still wants to support their most recent console
What's your deal?
There is actually a way to play pirated games online, but you can figure that out on your own
The thing is I don't
I mean I would want to see if the games are good and worth playing but knowing them and the last gens, they probably aren't
New super mario bros is ok but it is just more fucking rehash