PC Gaming

Let's get a PC gaming thread about builds.
I'm planning on building one and would like to see what kind of specs you guys have and builds you have.
Recommend some good parts for gaming.
Also is RTX worth investing into?

Attached: CyberpowerPC_GLC1802_Fang_III_GLC1802_Desktop_849033.jpg (1000x1000, 148.27K)

Here are muh specs, I'd say I'm comfortably mid-build, can run most games still at pretty high settings

Attached: specs.png (422x335, 9.9K)

idk much about RTX other than I saw some user on here saying that RTX is pretty much just shitty prototypes that get outdated pretty quickly usually
I'm currently on an all AMD build and it works exactly as I need it to, don't buy into the "AMD drivers suck" meme

Honestly dont do it now. Prices are inflated more than they already were and by the time things normalize new GPUs will be launching.

Seriously op do yourself a favor and wait until the fall

You'd have to be retarded to make a build right now unless it's with used parts

Im having the hardest time choosing a case. Either it has shit airflow or its shitty tempered glass or $800 reeee

What parts though?

Is it possible to fix this? A drop of solder to put the pin back on?

Attached: 20200426_132918.jpg (3264x2448, 1.52M)

I bought a steel corsair and its been perfect

I saw Asus released a white version of their 2080 Ti that was literally $800

I check again next day and its out of stock

Next week the price went up to $1400

This market is absolutely retarded

How important is dusting your pc? I havent done it in like 5 years...

fractal design r3

Attached: smglam.jpg (565x498, 26.1K)

if its on a carpet floor it's gonna build up fast, if its on a desk not so much, but dust in general is pretty bad for the longevity of your electronics sempai

This, wait till end of year you'll thank me

check the pinout to see if it even matters

No, fixing that is very very difficult. You have separated the pad from the PCB, it looks like the pin came off and took the copper with it. Most likely, it's fucked.

What if I still got the pin intact?

bro they used fucking robots with lasers to make that thing in the first place

you telling me you're smarter than a robot with a laser

What are you going to connect it to if you've separated the copper pad away from the PCB?

But do as suggests, it may just be one of many GND pins that are redundant

>finally chose a monitor to buy, it was $340
>held off for a bit, panic bought it when the price rose to $370
>it's now like $440

If I was smart, I wouldn't have damaged it in the first place.
From what I could tell, the pin is THERMDA, so pretty sure that's necessary.


I bought a prebuilt. Is my PSU gonna blow up?

Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm gonna try it later anyway, but I just wasted $200 thanks to my stupidity.

i just upgraded to a 3600 and a 5700xt
thinking about upgrading my monitor too its only got 60 hz
is going from 1080 to 1440 noticable enough to upgrade too?

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No. The entire point of a prebuilt is that you're paying a couple hundred extra, but it's guaranteed to work out of the box, it usually comes with a warranty.

It's also unnecessary if you take the time to research parts and register said parts, as the parts themselves usually have warranties if you register them. For example, the PSU I use has a ten year warranty in case shit goes wrong.

>want to upgrade 3770k 1060 6g
>need gpu first because evga one fan in summer is hell, but cpu is also slow as shit
>new cpu are due in october, no 3060 until 2021
Should I just buy a 2070 now and keep it bottlenecked at 1440p until I get a 4600 or whatever else amd has in mind?
All I know is that in summer I literally cannot play games because it's way too hot here for one fan.

I'd just wait in your shoes. prices are fucked now, and new shit is on the way anyway. So if you are going to pay out of the ass, might as well be for the latest tech.

I cancelled my warranty because of a confusion in shipments. I did my research on this one though. Everything in it is pretty good but it has a termaltake PSU.

Honestly, if you're worried, EVGA's never led me astray. I got the 1000W gold for $150, not sure the price now. A bit overkill and a bit pricy, but I figured for a ten year warranty? Fuck, $15 a year ain't so bad.

Is there anything wrong with staying at 1080p? I view that 4k is the actually next step since 1440p is a stop gap.

>Is there anything wrong with staying at 1080p?
Nope. High FPS for less money.

The meme 1660 series changed the market, for the worse, forever, even more than the mining cancer did.
The only reasonable upgrade from 1060 is the 2070, because the 2060 is a pathetic upgrade for the cost and the 1660 is a side-grade.

Attached: 2060.png (282x701, 15.06K)