>shotguns arent accurate past 2ft
its called balance
what a pussy,he then went to a mall and managed to kill like 2 people only,and then killed himself so he couldn't be beaten the fuck up,what a master faglord
Play Rising Storm 2
shotguns should have range to hit but damage should be lessened dramatically if you want to balance
I wonder what went through his head, did he just want to make fun of himself with that footage? He could have easily improved.
Did even care about "scoring high"? Everything about this guy is just ridiculous.
European here.
Why isn't he aiming down sights? I know that shotgun doesn't have stock but is the recoil that strong you have to shoot from the hip?
>I wonder what went through his head
user that is just too easy but thanks for the soft pitch
>Has never played Red Orchestra where shotguns are realistic
he's just a retard, you want to use the sights even if you don't have a stock. aiming from the hip doesn't mitigate recoil
There is never a reason to shoot from the hip unless you're quickdrawing from a holster.
It's why assault rifles are better.
Shoot at me with your godstick all you want, I'll have you peppered like steak before you can get into effective range.
He's being an idiot.
holy shit i've never fired a gun in my life but i bet that i could shoot better than this moron
He's firing from the hip which is the sole reason he's missing so much.
why in the ever living fuck is he shooting from the hip?
>Everything has be 100% serious all the time no fun allowed
hitting the thing you are shooting at is more fun than not hitting it
more likely it's because he was a psychopath who didn't know anything about firearms and only purchased a shotgun to kill his 3 coworkers in a grocery store the next month.
It’s a shitty way to balance
Even I can hipfire. I just adjust my angle a little bit upwards
Ghost girls don't have buttholes
Why would he do such a thing?
Finally someone speaking the godamn truth.
Pistol gripped shotguns are a fucking meme unless you're using them to breach doors. They are pretty much impossible to handle for anyone. You always use a shotgun with a full stock.
imagine being killed by an autist who wanted to be a cartoon
because he's white and it's a white tradition
He's a huge fucking pussy and literally can't hold the gun right due to that fact. He's too weak.
Because he was an entitled brat who couldn't deal with adulthood and thought he was a Danny Phantom ghost girl OC. Search Randy Stair and go down the rabbit hole.
He thought if he died he'd become a tranny ghost. He wasn't very bright.
only retards who watch movies would ever want a pistol gripped shotgun
How this retard didnt manage to trip on a doorstopper and blow his own brains out on his way into the store is beyond me.
killing floor
depends on the shot fuckface. slugs go far bucks are spread.
buckshot is still highly effective up to 30 meters