>haha just use the chainsaw lmao
And what if I don't have any fuel?
Haha just use the chainsaw lmao
A last use of a chainsaw always replenishes after a few seconds.
just get some fuel
No it doesn't
They really should have made some of the mid tier demons only take 2 fuel, everything being either 1 or 3 was retarded.
You only need fuel to kill larger enemies.
And what if there is no fuel around?
Punch? Glory kill? Run loops around the arena looking for pickups you missed? Don't be such a Defeatist Daisy, user.
You didnt even played arent you?
/Thread OP is a idiot
The Chainsaw literately recharges in 10 seconds, there absolutely no way to use all of your ammo in all of your guns in that amount of time.
Stop using the same weapon and get good.
t. doesn't play on nightmare or ultra-nightmare
t. plays with 1 weapon then seethes when he can't continue spamming said 1 weapon
The only weapon worth while is the shotgun with the sticky bombs
Kill yourself
You certainly don't if you can't make ammo count.
>Noooo I just wanaa pew pew with da shotgun nooooooo
Fodder enemies will always respawn infinitely while even one larger demon is around. Your chainsaw regenerates to one pip of fuel over time (less than a minute). It will also instantly refill when you fire your last round in your last gun if it hasn't already. Ammo will also drop (in smaller amounts) when you kill enemies with a blood punch. There's also always enough ammo in an arena to kill all non-fodder demons in it even if you walk in dry on everything. If you are out of chainsaw fuel, blood punch hasn't charged, you have no ammo in any weapon, and you STILL need to kill someone RIGHT NOW, you also have recharging grenades.
And if you find yourself in this situation, ever, you are irredeemably bad at the game. Not even in a "lol git gud" way, in the sense that legitimately you fundamentally are not understanding the functions of your controller level bad.
>you should only have play in one specific way, any thing else must be made unplayable
That isn't a game, its just a math equation.
I played on nightmare. The chainsaw comes off of cooldown so quickly, you basically have infinite ammo.
That doesn't imply I only use it faggot
N and UN don't affect the fuel recharge time. If you're playing on those difficulties, you should be very efficient in your ammo usage anyways.
This game is legitimately artificial difficulty, how the fuck are you supposed to dodge 50,235,163,201,643 fucking projectiles coming in your direction? I dash to the other side of a forced combat arena and I still get hit. You die in like 3-4 hits on nightmare. Fucking cancer.
>go to chainsaw an enemy
>after the animation completes you get hit 50 times in a row and die
Using multiple weapons isn't a "one specific way" that your forced to play the game. Trying to play using only one weapon and never switching is akin to playing Mario and only jumping left or right but never walking; it works 90% of the time and it might be more satisfying but it's harder and you can't get mad when the level design makes it impossible.
I don't know what to tell you. Usually you can find imps or zombies that are far away from any of the big guys. You can also jump and dash immediately after the animation ends to dodge any projectiles.
the fact that there *is* a Doom series for which to make games, 26 years after the original game was released, proves that the original weapon design and ammo capacity work, and work very well. 26 years from now, people will still be making Doom and Doom 2 WADs, while nobody will remember Doom Eternal.
Get it through your head, zoomers.
Objectively right
What difficulty have you beaten it on? I've only beaten it on UV so far
>dude hit three buttons to get ammo
This isn’t doom
Cry about it
do W, A, and D not count as buttons or did you just not have to press those in OG doom
if youre out of fuel, you'll auto regen one charge
if youre still out of ammo after that, manage your resources better.
Having it so you can only kill certain enemies with certain weapons forces restrictions on the player, the most egregious of this is making it so punches do zero damage
>literally run out of ammo with all weapons
>just manage ammo better lmao
Hey don't do zero damage but they do so little it might as well be zero
Dashing into an enemy does roughly equivilant damage to a Doom16 punch at least but it was still a bad idea to make regular punch so shit.
notice i said resources. you have not only your ammo, but your grenades and your blood punches. literally all you have to do is diversify what you use in combat and you'll succeed. its how i beat nightmare
>its how i beat nightmare
>Dashing into an enemy does roughly equivilant damage to a Doom16 punch
holy shit thanks user I needed that