Do you use multiple save slots?

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no because im not a psychopath

A game with branching routes or endings? Yes. Normal SP player games? No.

In newer games, yes. I always have a three slot rotating system.
>One for current save
>One for the prior current save
>One for a known safe spot (like town)

I switch between the first two and use the third for an "oh shit, I need to rebuild" save.

For two things
>on a second playthrough when I don't wanna disturb the first (I usually have autistic reverence for my first run of a game)
>when I wanna replay certain segments (ex. I have a save for when I feel like fighting nelo angelo 3 again)

Only in games like Persona where a mistake can screw you over for the rest of the game. I once lost 30 hours of gameplay because I only used one slot in another game.

Only cowards use multiple save slots.

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I usually fill out all of the save slots.

I've been save corrupted far too many times with pc rpgs, especially wrpg. On console jrpgs I only make multiple files if its branching route choices.


I keep two per game because I have a deep-seated paranoia of save file corruption dating from the Gameboy/SNES era when it happened all the time.


No. If a game, for example has multiple endings, I'll have a full playthrough for each ending. Nothing less will satisfy my "Gamer's Pride".

>multiple save slots
>kinetic visual novel
Just in case, you know? You never know, you know.

Usually 2 saves. Though in some games I'll have a ton of saves if there's a really fun boss you can't fight again without replaying the game.

Yeah, just in case I fuck up really bad. The first time I played FFVII, I almost got stuck on Proud Clod and didn't have a save before the part you can't back out from.

>rent jRPG from Blockbuster
>save over every save slot

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What's up with this, they give you like 30 slots in the WTC vns

I suppose I did have my SNES Harvest Moon save get corrupted in Spring 3... and I never went back to it.

Depends on the game
For the most part I use a single slot
In a game like Persona I use all the slots just in case I fuck up

Depending on how many save slots a game allows, I will usually rotate between 5 or 10 save slots. For example in FFVIIR rn I'm rotating between 5, but in P5R which allows 16 save slots, I'm rotating between 10.
But sometimes I'll just use all the save slots.

didn't used to. Then I played FF Tactics for the first time

Draw your sword, Ramza.

>Normal SP player games
>normal single player player games

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Don't need it.
>runs around for 20 turns reeing with autopotion
>accumulate for 20 more
>punches Weigraf in the cock for more than twice his max HP
>do the same to the demon
gg ez

> savescumming

no thx

you've never had a corrupted save?

Does backing up a save to prevent getting banned in Dark Souls count?

Saves dont corrupt on real hardware.

Im playing Persona 5 right now, just in case im rotating 6 slots, I save for every part of a day.
