How is BB better than Dark Souls?

How is BB better than Dark Souls?

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more kino

Yas Forums loves anything that is sony

i enjoy the combat more

Because it came out a few years after Dark Souls. The devs got better at making games. This is why Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls.

Atmosphere, and the different take on combat was pretty fun. Kept the good parts of dark souls while also adding in faster paced gameplay and interesting weapons.

A big issue with dark souls is that 90% of the time its just dudes in armors with a sword swinging around, with a few rats and dragons thrown in. Bloodborne had much more diverse creatures to kill. It also just carries over to story and environment too, dark souls is a very typical knight fantasy game and while its well executed, its kinda dull at the end of the day. Having to fight aliens and werewolves was a nice change up that really improved things.

It doesn't go to shit in the last half of the game.


>Bloodborne Pros
Combat is much better
Atmosphere is great
Lots of optional content in the main game (Chalice dungeons are boring and are only worth it for the very few good bosses)
Lots of enemy variety
Rallying and blood vials work well with the faster-paced combat
>Bloodborne Cons
Runs terribly, even on PS4 Pro
Level design is worse
Game is somewhat easier
A lot of bosses suck, like the Witches of Hemwick, Rom the Vacuous Spider, The One Reborn, and Micolash. Fuck Micolash
Not as much build variety
World design is significantly worse

The two are about equal. I prefer DaS1 since I feel like Bloodborne's cons are worse than DaS1's, while the pros aren't as DaS1, but neither are bad games by any means.

It's not, anyone that says that is Reddit cancer that jumped late into the franchise

Half of it isn't unfinished for starters

It's actually finished. Doesn't completely shit the bed half way through.

lmao based fucking retard
bb is the most blatabtly unfinished from software game, hell it was even released with a placeholder loading screen

and here's another stupid nigger

Not even worth a (You)

not a like a literal braindead mongoloid such as yourself could even have a any sort of discussion with anyone, go play and love BB it's the perfect game for you

story is definition of kino and gameplay is the perfect middle between slow dark souls and fast as fuck sekiro

>story is definition of kino
it's all plagiarism, there's not a single original vision in the game

>gameplay is the perfect middle between slow dark souls
the game is not faster than dark souls, it's funny how just because there aren't shields and you quickstep instead of rolling low IQ NPCs like yourself start thinking it's a proper action game

also the combat is significantly worse than all souls games, so what's left to praise? the generic orchestrated soundtrack that already got old by das2? ofc because BB is shit and you are like flies

Better aesthetic
Better atmosphere
Better bosses
Less janky combat while still retaining the weighted feel of weapons
Doesn't suicide in the second half of the game

About the only thing I don't like is the blood vial system.

>better combat
>better weapons
>better bosses
>better fashion (subjective)
>much better difficulty

i don't know i don't play videogames


Attached: Smile.webm (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Sorry that you didn't get the replies that you were expecting. Have a (You) on me.

I just like the Victorian atmosphere with Lovecraft shit and Van Helsing stuff going on there. It's fucking great.

go to bed you retarded faggot

While I would agree with that for dark souls 2 I think dark souls has notable enemy variety in the second half

This. It's perfect

Attached: 42d.jpg (2197x2386, 264.15K)

Faster combat, rally, weapons that are actually different and are all viable. I think the only thing lacking is the amount of hunter tools.

I agree. My first time through the game the blood vial system screwed me hard. I hated having to go on soul collecting runs so I could farm more of them in the early parts when I was absolute dogshit at the game. I feel like Estus is such a great concept I wish they had just gone with a Blood Flask or something and did it that way or hell just do what Dark Souls 2 did and have both systems in place but with positives and negatives to using either/or. Otherwise fantastic game.

The ONLY problem that BB has over DaS is the blood vial system.

Should've stuck with estus flash regeneration type deal.

In addition to what some of you guys are saying, there's also the fact that Bloodborne had a pretty coherent story you could piece together from the item descriptions and world, whereas at best Dark Souls has a disconnect that's intentional for you to imagine thing's, whereas that's not the case in Bloodborne. One of my favorite things about the game was probably piecing together just what was happening in Yharnam.
Blood vial system gets fixed with false depth dungeons that let you bypass the grinding, though on your second run you probably don't even need to grind.

and the inferior level design
and the awful frame pacing
and the terrible samey bosses
and the pointless rpg mechanics in a variety lacking game
and that it's extremely easy
and that you have to keep warping back
and that the bell system is absolute garbage
and that it's a step back in many other little ways that didn't go through your thick negro skull

The only actual legitimate complaint in that list is the fact you have to warp back.

All the rest are subjective.

>too easy

You just aren't playing a soulsborne game for the first time anymore. Grow up.

I mean I'm not saying dark souls has 0 variation, but your average mook was just "hollow with sword" and "knightly hollow with sword" or "swamp hollow with sword" with a few minor things thrown in here and there to mix things up, usually just animals though.

In BB you had the hunters with weapons and shit, but then you also had the werewolves and aliens, and all the other shit thrown in as well. every level had unique enemies that actually felt unique rather than just being reskins with slightly different movesets. the enemies in BB were distinctly based on their level, you didn't find hunters chilling in cainhurst and there weren't any vampires in the swamp village.
It just goes a long way to making each level feel more complete.