How old were you when you played FF7 for the first time?

How old were you when you played FF7 for the first time?

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I am 18 and I first played it last week on my PS4 pro. Pretty fun game, Jessie is my waifu.

I was about 8 years old and did not understand much of the story but the cinematics and the animations where so impressive so I finished the game.
I don't think it's so much better than my favorite FF game which is 8 since that has an even more impressive cinematics and animations.

Pretty sure I was in 5th or 6th grade at the time, so 11-12 years old. 27 now

6 or 7. Think I just got out of Midgar before my father sold the PS1 because he caught me playing Resident Evil

Played it for the first time in 2017, so I was 20 years old. Loved it. One of my favorite games.

Christmas of 1997, I was 13 and the target demographic for the game. Let me tell you, the commercial advertisements for this game had me hyped in a way no other game ever had.

13. I'm 21 now.

Im sorry to hear that.

13, the shit ass blockbuster copy could never get past the cinematic in Cosmo Canyon because some meth head took a fork to the disk

I was born 1991 and my dad bought it for me when it came out on PS1. So probably 6 or 7. I didn't really understand what was going on, but I loved the music and the characters. I got stuck near to the end of the game and put it down in frustration. Came back and finished it at age 14

9 years old (1999).

today years old :^)

Fuck off zoomer. This is a millenial thread

>literally spoils Aeris dying in the commercial

I was 9. My brother got it for Christmas, and I would fake sick to stay home from school so I could play it without him knowing. Had his Bradygames guide out too. My mom realized I was faking and I didn't get to finish it until I was older, but I got to Wutai.

It's really not a spoiler without context

~2005 so I was like 11
Still in my top 2

Fuck, I didn't realize the "praystation" voice thing existed even back then.


11 in 2003

got it at flea market before we moved so

11. I didn't finish it back then. I ended up replaying it from start to finish when I was 23.

I was either four or five, I think I finished it within a year while sharing ps1 with older brothers and having to borrow my cousins copy of the game or rent from blockbuster.

I look at my niece and nephew and am overwhelmed by how retarded they are compared to my generation at the same age.

What happened? Why is every generation after ours hopeless?

13. (October 20th 1998 is the day I started. I also finished my third playthrough on the 29th of December the same year) It was my first FF and is now my fourth favorite in the series. It's a masterpiece.

9, my uncle worked for Sony.

I first played it when I got it for my 9th birthday (my birthday was just four days after the American release date of Final Fantasy VII).
I really love it.

Uh.. buddy. Why're you posting fan art? There's supposed to be a "REMAKE" on the end of that.

20, im 20 now

13 in 2005

Aerith became one of my first waifus when I was 9.
Another one of my waifus (or husbando at this case) at the time was Tails.

7 in 2001

Attached: cff8e927293e6ecf293a7fc5b94b6b5c--animal-crossing-leaves.jpg (236x234, 10.01K)

played it when i was 13

11... in 1998

I was about 11 at the time. So i played it around 10 years ago i guess. I played it on bought and played it digitally on the ps3


10 years old, a year after it came out. Replaying it now and it's better than I remember.

15 or so. I didn't bother to finish because the materia placement for the first half of the game is really boring and wastes the materia system and I considered it such a downgrade in gameplay from 4 characters and complete custom job setups from the game I played before it, FFV, that I left disgusted with it. I only completed it like 10 years after that.

Pretty funny ngl

25, just downloaded it last week on the switch

hahahah that's really sad
my dad BOUGHT RE and I was 6 when it came out