Why do we hate Yukiko again?

Why do we hate Yukiko again?

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Wooden plank of a character with no personality

Because she's not real.

She's not Naoto

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dont know about you guys but I dislike her blushing face, its kinda creepy

Literally a slut
This, only girl that isn't a whore or used goods like chie

my bird bride

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Because Yas Forums doesn't like feminine beauty

Good character design wasted because no personality.

I love pantyhose Yas Forumsros...

because she publicly rejected the incel gamer

I dont hate her, but Rise...

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She's autistic and not in the cute way

I jerked off to Yukiko last night.

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Reminder that Rise and Yukiko are both the most likely to cheat on you and that's a good thing.

She got the bath times wrong

Tell me more about it.

She was getting fucked in her butt.

i sat on my gf's face and she ate my ass. Then i fucked her in the ass.


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She's fucking boring and insufferable but that's all of the P4 girls. That game's so gay it made the men appealing.

All blushing faces suck, but I can agree that hers is especially shit.

No one should hate her. Maybe dislike her because of weak character but she's got lots of likable stuff. Hot and submissive.

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>it's another yukiko laughs at a random thing episode

I am saying all the guys had social links I cared to go for and Yukiko's boring as shit.

Also yeah you like dudes you little faggot

Please enjoy your bird bride at her true resolution!

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It's amazing how the Priestess Arcana is always the most boring character, without fail.

>Oh hey here's a bit of info I suddenly remembered that would have solved the mystery a year ago. LOL!

>Yukiko my new family's in the fucking ER

Yukiko would definitely be banging dudes staying at her inn. I think rise would be too exhausted to even bother, she's an idol and her manager is too much of a loser to be taking advantage. The reason she clings to yuu is because she's had no time for cute boys up until then.

She is just boring and completely overshadowed by almost every other girl

Literally who?

As I've matured I've realized she's actually the best girl.

>you will never get the amagi special