He plays games for fun

>he plays games for fun

Attached: adfgiohjnk;'d.jpg (1280x720, 66.48K)

yeah user, that's cool and all, but check this out

Attached: Cats PS2 game.webm (960x540, 1.88M)

>he plays games

Attached: linusGunTricks.jpg (1280x720, 74.52K)

>How dare you be entertained from entertainment?

Attached: 54c.gif (380x298, 405.54K)


Attached: EMfv-JYXsAApwJD.jpg (576x1024, 46.33K)

fun is not a legitimate way to enjoy yourself

and sucking more cocks doesn't make you less of a faggot

Attached: dabby.gif (1017x757, 698.26K)


Attached: b0b0ca81fb340ac9f4d140edf2af6f86.jpg (720x720, 33.64K)

Imagine that, playing video games for “”””fun””””.

>You will never be a woman, dilate

Attached: 1566863489114.jpg (170x200, 11.93K)

>he benchmarks for fun

Attached: 1587423345451.jpg (960x967, 241.87K)

>he plays games
Grow up you fucking manchild lmao


Lol look at that twinky central asian face. Makes me laugh thinking that they unironically think they look imposing.

what were they thinking

Imagine unironically enjoying things.

why yes i play games for fun

Attached: why yes i play dota how could you tell.jpg (674x900, 255.42K)

what do furries and roach vore have to do with the PS2??

iirc that's somebody called linus who has a youtube channel about tech tips and it's from a video about them retiring, has nothing to do with them being imposing

Didn't they release a fucking 'day one patch' for the movie as well?

I can still laugh

I pay games as a cope

Don’t respond to a retarded tripfaggot

how do i enjoy myself

You really need to go outside

Why is that picture so fucking funny

He's staring directly at the remains of your soul.

>first thing he thinks about when looking at a meme pic is intimidation and dominance
damn those insecurities must hurt

Attached: 1583637270616.png (334x63, 2.79K)

>he realizes that life is just one big game.

Attached: 1587602944777.webm (720x404, 764.92K)