This is the correct RE ranking games.
This is the correct RE ranking games
>rev1 great
>zero good
yeah no
>>rev1 great
underwater setting and different playable characters plus good designs
>zero good
the train part alone was pure kino
once you get over the aesthetics the train is shit, literally just a series of tiny hallways. and the rest of the game is real bad.
Nope. finished it 3 times and it was great.
the only problem with that game is the missing item boxes
Yes that's what trains are user
CV is fucking garbage
No OP, THIS is the correct RE ranking games.
Daily reminder Don-gua means "cool guy"
So what's the definitive way to play RE2 these days?
RE4 > RE2make > RE1 > RE7 > RE2 > RE3 > REmake > CV > RE3make > RE0 > RE5
Haven't played RE6 or any of the spin-offs.
Play the franchise in release order, doing so means you play the original RE2 and RE2make. The PS1 originals and the remakes are different experiences.
Sourcenext RE2 with Classic REbirth fan patch.
Then REmake 2 on PC immediately afterwards.
Original RE2?
PC for sure.
The modded sourcenext version is the best RE2 version without a contender with skippable doors animation, 180 turn control and manual reloading without going into the inventory among several tweaks.
Enter the greatest.
>PS2 version
delete this
I don't think there's really a bad way to play it honestly. Emulator I guess?
>nobody else will ever sort of like Operation Raccoon City
I thought playing through Birkin's rampage from Umbrella's goons perspective was pretty sweet.
I would have liked it a bit more if the zombies weren't sponges and the weapons are useless as using sticks against zombies
Only good tier list ITT
The literally whos from ORC at least got to be cards in Teppen.
FINALLY a fair and unbiased list.
swap re0 with re4
swap re7 with re1
swap re5 with re6
You're all wrong
is RE1 psx a hard game or am i just shit at vidya??
Yep, it's too hard for newcomers and the remake is even harder.
I hope you started with Jill since she makes things a bit easier
based. but I would drop 4 to a B
let me guess, you are Spanish.
Spanish people are the only ones I know who likes RE3 the most
RE1 USA was made more difficult from the japanese version. There's no lock-on aiming and I'm assuming damage values were increased so you die quicker. Hell I don't even remember Jill not needing ink ribbons when I think to the ps1 version but in the PC version you can use typewriters with no cost whatsoever.
So as someone whose experience is the jap pc version, RE1 was pretty easy even as Chris since he can tank an incredible amount of damage. Hunters WILL fuck you up though if you aren't careful.
revelations is good ur a pleb