But why was he in a starting area though

But why was he in a starting area though.

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git good

Get Rotbart'd, nigga.

because of your innate homosexuality and your lust for cocks

for the lulz

Because Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a poorly constructed game

All 3 Xenoblade games have gorilla superbosses in the starting area, it's a tradition.

so that area is alway a threat, that is how xenoblade gets around the overlevelling for the area problem in many jrpgs.

it was way more brutal in Xenoblade x because you could go anywhere at any time. the only limit was these overleveled creatures

Because fuck you

Because devs were having a giggle. Deal with it faggot

Are you frustrated.

See you watch your step and don't think you can just try to brute force your way through.


true, but that has nothing to do with big bad monkey

People (like dunkey) who think ' StRoNg EnEmYs In StArTiNg ArEa Is BaD GaMe DeSiGn' are legitimately retarded

>he didn't fill his daily thread quota

>people are still assblasted about dunkey's takedown of this shitty gacha simulator


>i-it's a tradition
Great argument
What's the benefit of having endgame level enemies that you can aggro at the start of the game?

Maybe to teach you encounter avoidance mechanics?
The Xenoblade series has nearly no punishment for deaths anyway.

Low level bait.

>Maybe to teach you encounter avoidance mechanics?
I don't think "avoid certain enemies" is something that needs to be taught in such an absurd way. People can use common sense

Yet people ignore it.

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>quick pop up vs obnoxious endgame level enemies
Which sounds like the better option here?

XC1 had both, if you had played the games you would've known.

I've only played X and 2. Why both though? I'm still not hearing the benefit of these extremely high levelled enemies in the opening area

XCX had gigantic fuckoff enemies wandering all over the place, even in low areas. I liked it a lot, really affected navigation and you had to be careful not to accidentally piss off a herd of horrible dinosaurs while you were grinding beetles or whatever. It also added variety to endgame because I wasn't restricted 100% to the exact same endgame grindan DOGSHIT like in every other RPG ever made.


Why were you in his territory?

>give players huge open areas to explore
>not allowed to explore the

can't say, but you sound like a faggot

>xenoblade fag calling others faggots

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Because not giving the player early access to endgame enemies is obviously bad RPG design. If the player never encounters an enemy they can't defeat, levelling up becomes meaningless. This is why level scaling in Elder Scrolls is such an awful idea.

You can explore, but watch your step retard, it isn't that difficult.

So there's a reason to go back to older areas for new fights, and something to look forward to from the get go.

If the goal was to player about running from fights to difficult the argo range should be much smaller so can actually reasonably get away and should give the player proper warning before charging at the play at full speed. Or and should have only argo the enemy if you were dumb enough to attack it first.
Instead the enemy is impossible to avoid if you pull its argo and you can argo from an absurd distance, So yes this was badly designed.

>watch your step
Ah yes, because the nebulous aggro is so clear cut
Segment a part of the early areas off until end game where the high level monsters are kept


i've never played a xenoblade game
i've never owned a wii or switch
you're just a fag

Not him but I beat the game yesterday and fuck me is it difficult to farm for legendary cores if you want all the rare blades. I am missing like 4 of them and that shit is gacha city once you only have a couple left. Better to say fuck it to the half completed Ursula quest and go to new game+ for buying cores but that probably isn't as fast as grinding them.

This. I couldn’t get more than 6 hours in before selling it.
>I-it takes 60 hours for it to get good!
Fuck off

Not it takes like 10 until you unlock other blades and it picks up but fair point.

>unironically using Dunkey's arguments for another bait thread
Rent free.

He likes your attitude.

I blame that on the journos bitching how XCX didn't have a proper tutorial. Blasting through to chapter 3 only takes like 5 hrs though.

>that argument's invalid because it came from somebody I don't like

>200 hours in, beat final boss
>still wondering when the game becomes fun