This is a thread about how much we love the Nintendo 64 since its apparently against the rules to say anything negative about it
This is a thread about how much we love the Nintendo 64 since its apparently against the rules to say anything negative...
Yes, I love all those N64 games that haven't aged like dogshit, like.... uh.....
>can't even name more than 3 good games
you got btfo in the last thread
give it a rest
Let me guess, your shitposting got you banned or warned, and you think it's because you spoke ill of Nintendo and not that you were shitposting?
There's Mario 64 and Paper Mario and Zelda OOT and uh....... uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh...... Banjo-Kazooie (the first one, not the second)???
>all opinions contrary to my own = shitposting
Don't forget Star Fox 64. And Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. And Extreme-G. And Rayman 2. And Goldeneye and its underrated brother The World is not Enough. And Majora's Mask. And Mario Tennis. And obviously Super Smash Bros. we can't forget about that one. Oh yes how about Pokemon Snap?
Man, the N64 had some really fun games.
you know consolewarring is against he board's rules? You can dislike all you want, it's when you start frothing at the mouth with autism and screeching in threads or making them to screech in is when it crosses the line. You're picking fights, is what I'm saying.
How much of an autist do you have to be to keep spamming these thread? You're worse than that discord tranny who spams thread shitting on the Switch.
I wish it actually was against the rules
>Making passive aggressive bitch-like OPs to try and start console war threads for a long dead system
Fuckin wew lad
janny got upset is nintendie nostalgia was being defiled
Stop it. There's no point in casting pearls before swine.
it is, enforced? It must be if OP's bitching is any indication.
boy I sure loved ocarina of time, majora's mask, and... uh... mario party?
>Star Fox 64
>Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2
>Rayman 2
Better on Dreamcast
>Goldeneye and its underrated brother The World is not Enough
Aged like milk
>Majora's Mask
>Mario Tennis
GBC and Gamecube versions were better
>Super Smash Bros
Slow and clunky as shit. made obsolete by its sequels
>Pokemon Snap
I think you meant Mario Party 3
Just ordered this lot, not pictures is Ocarina. Trying to build up my N64 collection right now
>Pokemon Snap
its no GotY but cmon, especially for its time it was decent. If the controls werent bad itd be way better.
i still regret having to pick the n64 over the Ps1, my childhood would've been better with games like metal gear or FF
PSX > N64 > Saturn
Sorry user, I just can't stop thinking about all the fun I used to have with games such as the Turok series, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer and Shadows of the Empire, Ridge Racer 64, Banjo Kazooie and Tooie and the very underrated Castlevania Legacy of Darkness. And don't get me started on all three Mario Party games and the absolute gem that was Kirby and the Crystal Shards.
When you think about it, that generation had such a nice selection of fun games to play, doesn't matter the console you had, you always could have a blast.
n64 was so shit
only good games (that still hold up) are Ocarina of Time and Sin and Punishment
you can (not) dispute this
Mario 64, Paper Mario and Kirby 64 still hold up. But yeah, PS1 was the undeniable winner of the 5th gen
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
3. Super Mario 64
4. Star Fox 64
5. Paper Mario
6. GoldenEye
7. Smash Bros (although Melee renders it obsolete)
8. Banjo-Kazooie
9. Banjo-Tooie
10. Conker's Bad Fur Day
11. DK 64
12. KI Gold (although KI2 was in arcades)
13. Rogue Squadron
14. Episode I Podracing
15. Whatever is the generally accepted best Mario Party of the original 3
16. Pokemon Stadium 2 (but only as a companion to Gold and Silver)
17. Kirby 64
Less than 20 games worth playing in the entire console's lifespan and only 2 of them aren't by Nintendo or Rare
Look, I appreciate brand loyalty and games designed for 6 year olds, but when you made this thread, one of my 10 tranimal crossing threads got deleted. Don't do that.
I've been banned for it pretty recently. That thread that was stickied because Madagascar had a COVID case had some people banned when they said "how the fuck is this vidya related? Why is this stickied". I got a 3 day ban for something like "Yes! Ban all the faggots!"
>only 1 mario party game
>games designed for 6 year olds
Cringe. Nintendo games are actually deep and include mature themes.
Did you know the Earth appears in Kirby 64 as a post-apocalyptic wasteland? This shit is deep and you just don't see that anywhere else.
I like bajo tooie nigga
Asked for this for Christmas and got a regular PS1 instead. could have been worse
What is it about the N64 that makes aspie tards seethe eternally?
in the 90s as a kid you either had 64 or playstation, not many kids had both
>could have been worse
dude, you dodged a bullet
He wasn't disagreeing with you. He meant you shouldn't waste your time providing something valuable, like a decent argument, to people who will not appreciate it, like people who are just trying to make you mad.
Brand loyalty is one hell of a drug.
Oh wow! I've never seen a post apocalyptic Earth in a video game before. This is your brain as a nincel soichild.
Turok, although at this point the PC remasters probably BTFO the N64 versions.
Oh, I know what he meant, but is not fair that people don't hear about the many gems the N64 had because of blind fanboyism. People here should be sharing and recommending games to play to others, instead of getting angry at a console that did nothing but providing fun games to the players.
3, 2, 1, GO!
I might get one of these but the standard controller is already good enough for racing games.