What's the name of the game, Yas Forums?

What's the name of the game, Yas Forums?

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dead to rights 1


ur mom

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I've never been financially invested in a video game to give any shits about.

chaos legion

aka the best hack n slash game ever made

Easily one pf the best SNES games. Damn shame it hasn't been re-released.

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Eternal Sonata. I don't actually know if it was ever popular or not, I played it long after I stopped playing console games and just bought it on a whim at the store.

Attached: Eternal_Sonata.jpg (284x351, 33.3K)

Scooby Doo Snes

>gives you the best unit at start
>takes it away unless you can find its pieces

Gamecube Custom Robo.


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It was pretty famous on release, especially because of that retarded death scene.
Loved it

Of Guards and Thieves. A free-to-play, asymmetrical game which pitted a bunch of thieves with night vision against a bunch of guards with proper firepower and flashlights.
Game was really fun, but nobody plays it anymore, not even me.

Toren. its a short indie but quite a comfy game. Never seen any one else talk about it

Pac-Man Worlds 4
Mischief Makers 2: Marina's Return

King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame

2nd was dogshit though

sounds like chaos theorys multiplayer

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Final Fantasy Seven Are

really nigga, that shit's a cult classic. I replayed it recently though and the cracks were showing. I played it normally and reached the ending in just over an hour because I didn't feel like doing the tournaments. isn't the creator working on a spiritual sequel?

Pac-man world 2

Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Little Big planet I guess
Definitively Killzone

this but for the PC
also RTL Ski Jumping, Mercedes Benz World Racing and Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit
and a bunch of cheap Czech games i actually enjoyed

what are you talking about, little big planet has a ton of passionate fans. Maybe not as many now, but in its hayday and there's still dedicated people around

Better obscure than infected.

fuck i forgot pic

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Xanadu next. I couldn't convince any of my friends to try it even, but I really like it, I even replayed it a couple of weeks ago.

Robotnik's mean bean machine, ddr extreme, tails's adventure, Kirby's air ride, smash 3ds

I loved the campaign map and found the minotaurs to be very creepy. They moved so quick despite being so huge.


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Brutal Legend