What a breath of fresh air.
All the changes to the combat, world, music, and story were welcomed. I’m incredibly excited for the next part.
What was the best part of the game?
The worst?
What a breath of fresh air.
All the changes to the combat, world, music, and story were welcomed. I’m incredibly excited for the next part.
What was the best part of the game?
The worst?
Shit game, somehow managed to be even worse than the original, and that's not a small feat.
It sounds like you didn’t have a high opinion of the original, so why would you even bother with this remake?
>Best part of the game?
Tifa's tifas
>The worst?
No yuffie tummy.
The combat and character interactions are what went most right. Those two things have held Final Fantasy back since FFX and they got it right here. Worst has to be some of those textures and going back to the sewers again
>The combat
fuck no, take this half assed attempt away and restart from scratch. Go either full action or full turnbased don't try to mix them up.
He hasn't played either of them. He's casting shit bait for (You)s, and you nabbed it like the twat you are.
What a breath of fresh air? This is the most modern padded out piece of horseshit Ive ever played. If the developer was ubisoft or EA you dumb nigger slaves would be shitting on it.
I loved it. If you want action play KH and if you want turn based play DQ. This system though should be the base for final fantasy games going forward
People wanted more Midgar, they got more Midgar.
cope, I've played most FF games, FFVII is just shit
Case in point. Only underage reprobates living a dead-end life use "Cope" as their argument, as if they actually understand what coping is.
The combat was legitimately thrilling while still maintaining the resources of the original ATB system. This place is literally filled with miserable twats who get off on being as wrong as they possibly can for the (You)'s
Ending was fuck awful. The entire "keepers of fate" arc they added was just a dumb excuse to be able to veer away from the original story and do something different.
The game is trash and only a shill could defend it. I never thought square could make a game worse than 15 but here we are.
Best is probably hard mode
>bosses get new attacks
>Content locked behind hard mode so it forces you to get good
Worst thing is probably the graphics, some things definitely look like the shit like the doors in sector 7 slums
Holy fuck how pathetic.
Recommend a weapon for each character
My biggest gripe was the game skipped a bunch of the little details that made the original so charming.
>no wedge burning his ass as they escape sector 1
>no scene watching barret throw biggs at the camera in the hideout
>no jessie, biggs and wedge in disguise on the train to sector 5
>no bum on the train welcoming him to his "house"
theres tons more but what gets me is they included lots of little details i forgot about, like the guard in sector 7 asking the other one to go to loveless with him. like why was that included but i cant remember Aeris and call her the slum drunk to her face?
>What was the best part of the game?
pretty much everything. Also replaying on hardcore is fucking worth it. And last boss is just..
> The worst?
I hated the part with tunnel and stupid robo arms personally. Side quests were shit also. And slow walking section with squeezing.. fuck that shit.
Still 10/10 for me though. How can not it be? It's GOOOOTYYYYY
>try to get Cloud's white dress
>do the dance mini gamr over and over
>get tired and look up how to get it
>mini game has nothing to do with it
my favorite part is when sephy spoiled Aerith death in the first hour
calm down with these shill threads please
I liked the ending alot. I'm glad we're going into the future where we don't know the character's fates. I also don't care about the canon ghost squad, I thought they were a great idea and a great fuck you to people who want the same story with prettier graphics.
The worst part is some of the patting, holy fuck...chapter 17 and 4 didn't need to exist, especially 17. Also, the train graveyard went a tad too long.
you've been complaining about this place for weeks now why are you still here?
fuck off shill
Best part was Aerith
It's a great game with chapter 9 being the best part by far. Chapters 17 and 18 were extremely annoying. At least 17 had really cool boss fights. While playing the ending I was pretty disappointed with how much they changed, and the execution of it. The Whisper Harbinger was literally Kingdom Hearts, there's no way around it. But I have to say, it's exciting not to know where the story is going from here on out. No more time jannies please.
>$0.05 has been deposited to your account
>chapter 17 and 4 didn't need to exist, especially 17
the fuck are you talking about, trash? 17 ans 4 are literally one of the best chapters in game you dumb retarded faggot fuck of a subhuman.
Most retarded complaint ever. Remake literally had hundreds of scenes like this, and this pathetic cunt cries about 4 specific ones not being in.
Besides, wedges ass injury was in.
who are you to decide what's a legitimate complaint or not?
17? Fucking around in Hojo's lab was boring af and lasted way to long.
No such thing happened since anyone who doesn't know the story already can't figure it out from this scene. You have autism.
Three of those got replaced by an entire fucking chapter of development for the whole trio but clearly he didn't play the fucking game so.
spoilers in game are different from the audience being spoiled retard
Hojo's lab is the only part in the game where no significant character interactions happen, it's one long gauntlet. It's annoying and feels so out of place.
You miss the point. It is asinine to complain about a couple quirky lines of dialogue missing when they added hundreds of equally good ones.
Light machine gun
Buster sword
Metal knuckles
Mythril rod
>if you want X go play Y
Must be the most retarded comment next to "Just play the original"
what a faggot you are, OP
what a reddit thread you made. kys
shills are getting desperate
virtually every line of new dialogue is sappy, pretentious KH faggotry.
Hardedge, Feathered Gloves, Big Bertha, Reinforced Rod are all objectively the best weapons.
Use Buster Sword if you don't want to be a faggot, though.
Agreed. Bahamut tore me a new one until I learned to get better at him. The summon gauntlet was a good challenge.
You’ve either never played this game or never played KH.
I agree, that's why I hated 17 so much. It murders that pacing of the game right before the fantastic end of the game that begins in the President's office.
Yeah people wanted more midgar
We got three Fallout 4 settlements and 5 hallways with a midgar skybox for 35 hours