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too bad about the shitty games

fuck off back to wherever you came from

>me: posters should be shot
Fucking faggots

*carries tangled cables and controllers in the other hand*
Nothin personell

gamecube had:
>Best name
>best design
>best logo
>best interface
>and best controller.
it was truly nintendo´s magnus opus.

>brown hand

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>see friends xbox for the first time
>assume power button has leeway like the gamecube
>friends loses like 20 hours of morrowind progress


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Cringe blankpostlet

what about the game boy?

nigga... das a handheld

Handheld means "designed to be held in a hand" the iPhone is a handheld phone, a laptop is a handheld computer, an a gameboy is a handheld CONSOLE. Or a portable console



What's the best modded console for vintage gaming/emulation? aside probably the wii I'm torn between making a gamecube or a dreamcast

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so this is peak comedy

Not over the shoulder, are you even trying

A thread about video games? Uh oh... jannies won't like this

The WiiU, no joke.

WiiU for native Gamecube/Wii

Or Switch/Vita if you want something portable.

Where you just pushing the power button as a joke?

back to r*ddit with you faggot

>playing 20 hours of the Xbox version of Morrowind without having multiple saves and saving like ever 15 minutes

He deserved it. What a mess of a port.

t. literally everyone ever?

don't lie you do it

Holy based

Upvote this post if you took your Gamecube to your bro's house to play Super Smash Bros

really? That's even better then cause those are dirt cheap. Thanks anons

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drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion

Absolutely based.

>You will never haul your Gamecube and play Clash of Ninja 2 with the bros again

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I hate you people so much. Summerfaggotry has completely overrun this piece of shit website to the point where half the active threads are reddit reposts and twitter screencaps. WHy the fuck does this place even exist? There is no culture. There is no discussion. It's just reposted shit from better moderated websites.

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Why aren't you making OC right now faggot

Because here you can cry about shit someone else posted on another completely different website, without the possibility of him replying to your retarded ass, which must be infinitely terrifying given how much people come here to do so.

The Game Boy is a portable console. Handheld consoles are consoles.

be the change you want to see in the world an hero

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I will.

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i'm just joking you baka/sakuya shitposter

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