No, you can't kill that character! They're essential!

>No, you can't kill that character! They're essential!

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I raped that character

>you CAN kill them but it ends the plot and now you have to free roam forever doing fetch quests

Attached: 1557729673874.jpg (704x818, 105.69K)

>kills a plot critical character
>game adjusts its plot to work with it
>keep killing plot critical characters until the game can't possibly make it work
>game unlocks a hidden route where it goes out of its way to tell you how much you've fucked up

>Lefty bolt action rifle
Bethesda deserves bankruptcy.

>wants actions to have consequences
>not happy with said consequences
deus ex just replaced them with a different npc with similar lines and a similar purpose in the story which is cheap and tacky

gunfags are autistic pedants and nowhere is there some obligation for artists to portray firearms accurately in fiction provided it doesn't ruin the suspension of disbelief of the vast majority of the audience

what's going on here, what is OP talking about


>the thread of prophecy has been severed
>"fuck you, imma kill a god"
>"now that gaenor's dead, gonna kill that floaty faggot"
I also like how there was a backdoor route to the main quest. Also like you can just fortify your stats to ridiculous levels that you can instantly destroy something that is suppose to die a certain way as well as whatever weapon you were once holding, and the game in one swing.



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In a shooter, guns are literally your main means of interacting with the world around you. Having them be weird and shit is a legitimate complaint.

New Vegas is a game filled to the brim with gun autism and it's elevated for it.

>autistic pedant

>bawwww why don you leave these hacks who make shoddy shit alone?

>3D modellers aren't artists if they work for bethesda
c'mon buddy

there's plenty wrong with the game (i.e. not enough world to explore, shit main quest, not enough side-quests, ruined SPECIAL/perk system) but

a) i enjoyed it and got my money's worth out of it through mods + survival mode
b) that nitpicky detail only makes a difference to gun nerds who also have OCD and can be fixed with a mod anyway

Imagine defending shitty artists.

Any game besides Undertale doing this?

>wants actions to have consequences
>not happy with said consequences
By that logic you may as well have god mode enabled while playing hard mode.

Why would you kill best girl like that?

Sure, Todd.

>No counter argument so resorts to spewing memes
Typical Yas Forumstard.

>the only good art is realistic

Couldn't you just go rescue Nick Valentine on your own and resume the main quest from there?

>this is fine

Attached: gun.png (598x314, 172.85K)

>no counter argument to a shitty argument
Seems right to me.

come on user, you know they did that because they're lazy and don't want to animate you rotating the rifle and using the right-side bolt.

>I don't like argument so instead of saying why argument is bad I'm just going to call it shit and spew memes
Why even bother making a post then?

Yep, typical Yas Forumstard response to a typical redditor shill.

Go back.

I don't understand. How is playing with invulnerability cheats on hard mode the same as the plot ending if the player kills NPCs integral to it? One is a predictable consequence of the player's choices and the other is removing the main consequence a player has, death.

>No counter argument so resorts to random buzzwords
Seriously, if you niggers hate reddit so much why do you give it so much attention?
Also tranny cuck reddit seethe cope dilate shill cringe soulless. There, I used all your buzzwords. Now give me a fucking actual answer you spastic.

Do I need to play Fallout 3/New Vegas before jumping into 4?

>3D modellers aren't artists if they work for bethesda

I didn't try to explain why it's like that. I said gunfags have an unjustifiable expectation that guns are portrayed accurately in fiction, and judge the entire work by whether unimportant details in guns live up to it. This expectation of unfaltering realism doesn't extend to things outside of their obsessive interest.

>mfw i ended in a lesbian relationship with her

feels good man

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They thought it looked cool, same reason they made the casings eject in your face Bad Company 2 style. Shine the turd enough to distract the player from the fact that they couldn't even code reloads and recoil properly, much less actually know how firearms work.

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