You can see the SOUL
You can see the SOUL
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a jon is paid huge money to make a youtube video about some dumb shit
>it's a friendship is blossomed and quickly ruined over the course of a year as business concerns take over something that was supposed to be fun
>Makes a funny video lampooning infomercials
>Sequel is him actually shilling for the company
That was pretty disappointing
>it's a getting sick of someone you thought was a friend but after prolonged exposure you discover they were just a slimy leech with no concern for anything than money so you leave to keep your dignity and the leech refuses to acknowledge you exists while he continues to drain money out of teenage girls
I hate to be that DUDE but they look completely fucking stoned
Post each of their most racist clips
send me your rare pokemon cards lmao
Best bit:
It feels like a couple of guys being dumbasses and riffing.
This is why your hobbies shouldn't become jobs
If you think the first video isn't shilling you are retarded and the exact market for it.
Shit is so sad.
No Gamegrumps is just another youtube cash cow complete with basedface thumbnails and offices in Burbank with diversity quotas.
Too much money is poison.
more like you can see the estrogen
they like high as shit
Watching old game grumps is wild. Arin seems like a completely different person. He's actually funny and not that obnoxious.
>Tim Buckley and Feminist Frequency
Who’s gonna off themself first?
>people blame arin for game grumps degradation instead of the literal jew that from the first episode in was spouting agenda
Jon is so pure, simpleminded, and adorable. What happened?
I think Dan will leave grumps soon, and I don't think Arin will try to replace him. He'll just close it up and pursue voice acting (and fail)
>jon says racist shit (good for him) comes back from it despite it being basically the worst thing you can do as an entertainer
>starts shilling out and making money
>didn't even take that much of a hit in the first place
>works with actual companies and develops industry skills and networks (even if that means the original fans are becoming distant from him because his new work is souless)
>shilled hard from the beginning
>no real fans left other than teen girls who enjoy the idea of him fucking his cohost
>running out of money and time with no apparent recourse
>UGLY partner
>No prospects after this
>no friends or networking
Yeah I'm thinking Arin
I just don't like that John's fallen in with the alt right crowd. Like with most Youtubers, it's likely a business ploy, but still. As much as Arin has sold out, I can still watch his vids relatively guilt free.
Don't even try. Arin is cancer. He is the problem. Period.
Who is that?
Idk why Arin went with Dan.
He wasn’t even the first choice. Oney was considered but said no because he was busy with hellbenders
arin is a nice guy, danny is a guy that pretends to be nice so he can fool retards like you
>blatant lies
Arin has plenty of connections and fall backs. The one thing you can't really refute is that he's made quite the business out of doing practically nothing.
Where is it? Looks two two unfunny faggots to me.
>business ploy
>blurted it out and went on some fat rants
>knew all the talking points
>went dark after these events got out to his fanbase proper instead of those who follow the talkshow/stream scene
Yeah I don't think it was a business ploy. I think Jon just revealed powerlevel way too hard in a moment of eagerness and now has been trying his damnedest to pull back on it (at least publicly) with many of his new casting choices being more diverse.
Arin recently admitted that they can no longer play obscure games because of the algorithms, hence the Mario Galaxy, Mario Party, Dead Rising, Phoenix Wright, Hentai games, etc
They also left the fuck huge and fuckexpensive office to a more modest location.
Grumps and lets plays on youtube are going out. They'll have to go to streaming on twitch or give it up, because this won't last.
He dodged a huge bullet there then.
I was watching their new TTYD playthrough and I think my head was going to explode with how fucking horrid it was. Arin and Danny are harder to sit through with their stupidity than DSP is, that's really saying something.
Would be better to replace him, I mean fuck Dan isn't even half interested in games. Which is why they run out of shit to say during their videos.