What went right?

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>100 million user install base
>Only worth exclusive in years sells 3.5 million copies in 3 days
>50 million user install base
>Worth exclusive of the month
>7 million in 3 days
Oh no no no, how is this happening to us Sony bro’s?

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Nintendo has much less choice, switch owners were desperate for something new to play.

your article says 5 million in 1 month, retard

Absolutely seething.

so this..... is the power.... of fujoshits

>the joke’s on you, your exclusive game is selling better than our exclusive game

Name recognition.

The marketing.

I love FF7 remake and hate the animal crossing series, but you retards will say this no matter how many games release on the switch.

3.5m isn't a lot for a remake of the most popular Final Fantasy game.

that and corona, something about getting away to a private island during an outbreak is kinda relaxing I think


>mass advertise product
>product sells
holy shit how did this happen?

he said 7 million is 3 days which is false.

3.5 million in a weekend vs 5 million in a month isn't that big of a difference. for the record i own and have been playing both titles. new horizons is honestly orett6 underwhelming compared to past AC games, everyone knows it.


>Didn't even make XV's sales in the same time period despite having twice the userbase
Barry always wins baby

How much did the previous remake of the most popular Final Fantasy game sell?

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should we compare FFVIIR to the original in sales?
The remake should make atleast 12.6 million

>The most expected remake of all the time in a platform with double the user base of their competitor is selling worse the same as generic children’s game but because my Snoy overlords I still take it as a victory.
We did it Sonybros! Take that nintonddlers!

Those were just the physical sales, cope and seethe


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If the Switch wasn't fucking terrible that would be good news. When a super powerful console that makes noise of a nuclear power plant in operation and that each game needs 10 years to be ready is surpassed by a simple console that offers simple games where companies don't need to spend time and resources on photorealistic graphics, motion capture , etc...
But in reality the Switch is so bad that it is not even able to run 2010 games in a minimally acceptable way.

that was with digital. this is physical only.

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How can snoys even dare to defend their overlords now?

>post japan only sales
>say this is worldwide sales

>incomplete game sells less than complete game
Truly shocking

>sub 30fps
>Not even 1080p
>Low res textures
>Unoptimized 100GB+ games
>4 hour battery controller
>Pay to play online
We did it Snoybros! Our Platform runs games on a minimally aceptable way!

Yes, that's how these companies fudge figures on the actual demand for their products. Microsoft infamously pretended they came in second during the PS2 gen by using the number of xbox consoles shipped and not the number actually sold.

It's called "Final Fantasy VII Remake"