ITT: Games whose popularity you don't understand

ITT: Games whose popularity you don't understand

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Dead by launch, what?

undertale and animal crossing

it's actually fun, nigger

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animal crossing (all games)

There are like 30,000 people playing right now

why are so many women playing dbd?

It's most fun with friends, but the killers fucking despise groups that can actually coordinate.

It’s PvP freeze tag, it’s a game people learn as kids. The only major differences are: you get one free tag before you freeze: they freeze in specific spots for balancing (hooks), and only one person stays It the whole game

Addictive gameplay grind. Played by women and BR's because of how simplistic survivor is. Same crowd as F2P shitters

Back in the late 00s it was Uncharted. Good dialogue and likeable characters can only get you so far when the gameplay is so repetitive and basic.

Holy fuck this. Most bland and generic third person shooting in existence I have no idea why people thought it was the best thing ever

They like the idea of a strong intimidating individual chasing them. It's like the embodiment of chadness

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There is nothing more hollow a "redeeming quality" than saying it is fun with friends, user, albeit I can understand where it comes from.

As for killer hatred for SWF, you can't blame it because of how much it can unbalance the game into survivor favor if that good with coordination and builds to compliment as much.

Any online game. They are all boring.

the production at the time was honestly way ahead of anything else and was enough to wow the normies

Can't argue with that.

women love horror movies.

From what I found, the major reasons have been so far how long the game has been supported after release, and then some into sequel coming out soon. The game does have problems, don't get me wrong, but at least the game does have a satisfying enough start-to-finish with hiccups, unfortunately, being about 3 sequences. Two of them involving the loss of your gear and having to put up with it, worse when in the highest difficulty setting, and the finale that is just QTE Mania.

The games are extremely likable outside of the actual gameplay but god damn.

>Basic bitch shooting
>"Cinematic" platforming with no critical thought allowed

It's fun but the dedicated servers have incredible lag and it takes forever to unlock killers using the ingame system so the force you to buy them.

It is basically just a movie game start to finish with you doing the work of making it happen/progress as devs see fit.

>Great movement
>Literally the best gore/dismemberment system in any game
>Zombies done right
>Night time is scary as fuck
>Damage models out of this world
You're a fucking faggot plain and simple not to see this game as one of the best of the decade. The devs are still supporting it as well to this day.
It's literally a Romero movie with some resident evil and mirror's edge in there and a little mad Max with the following.
Fuck you.

Fate/Grand Order. Story and writing appears to be the basic bitch level of anime that's pumped out yearly and the game is everything that's terrible about modern games amplified.

Couldn't agree more

Even worse is how some of those killers are useless due to meta-faggotry and shitty balancing. The only hopeful this is that they manage to keep to their promise of proper killer buffs or else the game is going down the shitter faster than COVID Bell.

>It's literally a Romero movie

Depending on which one you're referring to this may or may not be a compliment.

I agree, imo the survivors have the balance way too in their favor.

Trapper makes you feel like you have 200IQ when it actually works.

its dead island with parkour, you dumb piece of shit. most soulless game of its generation