He's too short, trust me

He's too short, trust me.

Attached: 1587849399581.png (1868x1248, 1.37M)

there a one inch gap between every head, you cropped it badly.
thats 6 extra inches you dolt

>someone spent their time doing this

Attached: 1538610972038.gif (298x301, 1.81M)

>6 inches
>any better
Manlet cope

dont try to save face when you spent all your time making this trash and then did it wrong

Nigger you're counting his hair, and an empty gap on top of that. This screams manlet self-loathing

You aren't accounting for spiky hair. Your head measurement is therefore wrong, making the final estimate shorter.

measured my head, it's just about 12" crown to chin. so the male protag is 7' tall and you want him taller?

>you spent all your time making this trash
Shut your mouth when you talk to me manlet

Love it when brainlets use hair to measure the skull.