He's too short, trust me

He's too short, trust me.

Attached: 1587849399581.png (1868x1248, 1.37M)

there a one inch gap between every head, you cropped it badly.
thats 6 extra inches you dolt

>someone spent their time doing this

Attached: 1538610972038.gif (298x301, 1.81M)

>6 inches
>any better
Manlet cope

dont try to save face when you spent all your time making this trash and then did it wrong

Nigger you're counting his hair, and an empty gap on top of that. This screams manlet self-loathing

You aren't accounting for spiky hair. Your head measurement is therefore wrong, making the final estimate shorter.

measured my head, it's just about 12" crown to chin. so the male protag is 7' tall and you want him taller?

>you spent all your time making this trash
Shut your mouth when you talk to me manlet

Love it when brainlets use hair to measure the skull.


I am inclined to agree. This is quality bait though. Trolls just regurgitate words they don't understand most of the time. Good job! You fucking faggot.


Attached: op is a fag.jpg (1868x1248, 479.17K)

It's to the heels, not the toes

That compensates for the extra space taken up by the spiky hair.

The same is done on the other model so he's still short as fuck

>Someone spent their time doing this

Attached: women-laughing-together.jpg (1541x924, 210.41K)

You're counting hair, and not actually accounting for the top of his cranium. which shifts depending on the tilt on the head.
Basically, it should look more like this

t. drawfag who counts heads a lot.

Attached: 1587857064487 edit.png (1868x1248, 1.08M)

OP btfo

Attached: 1582737315237.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

>cutting an inch off his skull
>look guys I'M the one telling the truth
Manlet outing himself lol

Attached: 1569012951016.jpg (436x402, 43.68K)

that's one inch below average

>Game forces you to play a manlet

Attached: 1583973378652.jpg (640x664, 28K)

this, who the fuck cares about how much hair is in the calculation, this thread is already pathetic enough as it is.

What game?

>one inch below average
In what fucking manlet country is 5'9" average?

Only manlets call others manlets.

why are you so obsessed with manlets? cause they factually have huge cocks compared to lanklets with 3cm needledicks?

He's actually around 5'6" which is still extremely fucking pathetic

There are 10 countries that have an average height larger than 5'9"

>people itt not knowing shit about anatomy
Not every character needs superhuman proportions.
7 and a half heads is absolutely average.

Attached: 1583821448600.jpg (995x1368, 201.69K)

Right, white countries. If you haven't noticed V is a white man, not a spic.

>7.5 is superhuman
Is this what goblins tell themselves?

>tried to prove op wrong
>actually got a shorter answer

uh, bros...

Attached: 446.jpg (1953x1158, 395.46K)

No, you don't understand, the actual average height is seven feet tall and the average penis is ten inches which still easily fits inside of the average vagina somehow you have to believe me otherwise how will I project my insecurities onto you?

Imagine not even having a big dick.

My ancestor

Attached: 116662550-milwaukee-wisconsin-usa-september-8-2018-the-indian-summer-festival-man-wearing-traditional-native-a.jpg (866x1300, 161.72K)

we talking about dick size now?
big ones are the best and all women would prefer bigger if they'd answer anonymously not having to worry about being called a slut or a size queen

Attached: 1587447979537.jpg (1785x2003, 1.68M)

>not accounting for hair
>having whitespace above hair

You're a fucking retard OP.

what is even this thread

Wasn't their a study that women believe whatever their boyfriends tell them their penis size is?

Manlets coping about being manlets

no woman who actually likes their partner is willing to tell their boyfriend that they are lying. notice how in most breakup situations, the girl would insult the boy's penis size. that doesn't happen when the two are happy together.

> implying anatomy is ever usually an accurate representation in video games

user, there is a reason concept artists and 3D modellers go into their respective fields; they’re just reject artists that never properly learned anatomy or perspective.

I think the male character is suppose to be 6”1, which would make his head extremely disproportionate.

>My 7" dildo causes my pussy physical pain if I'm careless and take it too far
>"good enough"
I don't think the person who made this bait image has ever seen a vagina OR a penis.

Attached: glass him.jpg (440x498, 21.38K)





Attached: 1532269918514.jpg (1080x1020, 71.68K)

Women can't tell size by glance. Hell my mom thought 1 inch was equal to 4-5 inches for 30 years because that's how it was marked on the rain gauge.

Correct, his head's way too fucking large for the average white man, his legs are also too short

Where did the manlet meme came from?
I'm 5'5'' and my mom always says i'm a big boy, plus i can easily reach the cookie jar at home