Best female protagonist ever


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Best game with a female protagonist does not mean best female protagonist

>no gravity rush
Why can't anyone love kat?

Attached: Kat_as_she_appears_in_Gravity_Rush_2.png (451x699, 53.3K)

Oof, fpbp

because nobody played her game

>cross-eyed grimace
liberalism is a mental disorder

Reading comprehension FTW, OP is a stupid nigger

SJWs need to die a painful and embarrassing death

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Honestly this

Did no one play this game because it was bad or because it was mistimed?
Plenty of really good games have died on the vine because a more successful competitor came out at the same time, or that genre was "old" by then and a new genre was popular, or they didn't advertise enough, or all of the above

No one played mirrors edge or child of light but they're on that list

They are still wrong, it's not a good game

Cry more
> Female protagonists are becoming more and more popular in video games, and it's about time. It has taken a long time for women to get to a place where they are as respected as men, and we still have a long way to go, but it's always nice to see strong and complex female leads take the reigns in video games.
> We thought we should update this list of some of the best female protagonists in video games for those who are looking for a new game to play. You might be surprised by how many options are available to you.

Is Metroid on the list?

Inject bleach, conservacuck.

Actual best female protagonist is arguably Heather from SH3. Reacts like a human to the situation but does not scream and shout in fear the whole game, has a good sense of humor, is fearless but still distinctly feminine thanks to the female members of the design team giving their input. The mistake so many devs making their female protagonist essentially a man, completely eschewing femininity in appearance or behavior to show that women are strong and can be heroes too. That's all well and good but, that's just not a woman then.

nice tantrum, please go on

Okay, but that's just their opinion that it's their favourite game with a female protagonist. But that still doesn't have anything to do with the protagonist themselves.

Gr1 launched on the vita so there's that
Gr2 launched early 2017 near the time when the switch launched with breath of the wild

He's just some journo faggot that went to school thinking he'd get to work for a real publication telling the world the truth about what's really going on
Instead he has to work for some faggot website writing garbage

A list for plebs

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Imagine being a pedophile, liberals deserve death

Yes, thank fuck
Clementine and bayonetta are also there but most picks seem like a bit of a reach

please tell me that's the actual picture they used

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>No one played mirrors edge or child of light

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The tittle should've been "20 best video games for girls"

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Mistimed, Horizon is fine, but it came the same day than BOTW did and that game didi anything HZD does better; plus it was ZELDA and not a new IP

>character is not even biologically female
top fucking kek

>And that's a good thing!

Y'all remember Brian Peppers?

I prefer Jesse Faden or Lara Croft.
That thing is ugly as fuck.

So even if it was directed at the protagonist, that wouldn't still be their opinion? Dumb ass

rent free

loli aloy looks so fucking bad jesus christ
at least shes barefoot

Its weird but i'm not a pedo i just want them to be cute. That child in horizon was so ugly that I couldn't play it any longer, same thing with the dopey looking kid made me drop GOW. I'm so close to being completely done with western games

Fuck I see it.

By the same author of this article
> Most well written & compelling storylines
15. Detroit
14. Witcher 3
13. Life is Strange 2
12. Undertale
11. RDR2
10. ME3
9. MGS3
8. Yakuza 0
7. Danganronpa
6. Automata
5. Bioshock
3. Dad of War
2. Persona 5

so a...

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Do you even know where you are faggot? This is a Christian Centralist website

You want free rent.

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I masturbate every day since i was 12 to her. I love her so much. I want her hot pussy cheeks on my cock baby.

Oh pretty..I think...I'm in love...

>2. Persona 5
What? It took a straight nosedive after Kamoshida. Did he play past Kamoshida?

Why the fuck is she so ugly? Jesus christ, literally every game except Overwatch has god ugly characters. What happened to the west?

>get called out for retardation
>dig deeper

>Why the fuck is she so ugly?
The design, I guess. I don't know what kind of answer you think you'd get.

> Not a single hour of Persona 5 could be accused of being filler.

Who do you think the best female protagonists are Yas Forums?

None of mine even made the journalists list.

Kat... had a hard life...

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Her original design looked fine and was cute but then they were like "nah, can't have that!" and changed it.

I wasnt even the guy you replied to.
You have literally no point to make.
>well its their opinion on the game not the protagonist
If they're both shit, then it doesnt matter because its all just their opinion. Dumb-da-dumdumdum


1. Terra
2. Celes
3. Estelle
4. Heather
5. Azel
6. Lenneth
7. Kaine

Can't think of anymore off the top of my head

Lack of talented artists is my first guess.

Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins
Aya Brea
I didn't finish Near Tomatoes but a lot of people liked that robit.

Nobody played Gravity Rush when it was released because it was a Vita exclusive and nobody bought a fucking Vita.

UH, yea, WIFE department?

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>3. Dad of War

There's women in there? The antagonists mother was the only female I knew from that game.


> Had to be changed to achieve realism & believability

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Here's the list.
20: The Walking Dead
19: Assassin's Creed Syndicate
18: Resident Evil 3
17: Half-Life: Alyx
16: Bright Memory
15: Mirror's Edge
14: Silent Hill 3
13: Resident Evil 2
12: Assassin's Creed Odyssey
11: The Last Of Us
10: Tales of Berseria
9: NuTomb Raider
8: Celeste
7: Metroid Series
6: Uncharted: Lost Legacy
5: Bayonetta
4: Alien Isolation
3: Child of Light
2: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
1: Horizon: Zero Dawn

List was chosen by a female pleb who has barely played any games released more than 10 years ago.

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I'm happy women are being more represented in video games now

that list is objectively wrong on all levels. he didn't play shit, just zoomer core filler bs. what the fuck how can you write a title like that and include titles like that? holy fucking shit i wanna stomp this retard so fucking hard

Do you think they went out of their way to pick the most goblina screenshot they could find or was it just a coincidence?

>journos actually go to school for journalism

kek no

hes a kike hired by other kikes for just being a kike and knowing how to use a computer

Guerrilla went from making a pretty good FPS series with an actual memorable score to a cookie cutter open world meme game that no one wants.

Killzone 2 and 3 are genuinely good games bros.

>Try to find 20 video games with female protagonists
You're welcome

Makes more sense, but Zero Dawn isn't the best game with a female protagonist

worth playing just to look at her fine tummy

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1. Kat
2. A2
I liked 2B as well but I can't think of any other female protagonists off the top of my head.

>7. Kaine
Kaine isn't a protagonist. She's more of a supporting character.

Are they saying women are robots that are incapable of expressing emotions?

can a list be any shittier?

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Touhou better be on the fucking list!

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Is that the girl who masturbated out in the snow?