What are some good actually good mystery games? No kid stuff like Nancy Drew please "oh figure out who the ghost is!"

What are some good actually good mystery games? No kid stuff like Nancy Drew please "oh figure out who the ghost is!"

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OG desu ex


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The game where you check this out

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Jackie Chan

Nice 5

Obra dinn

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One triangle = Penis
Second Triangle = Vagina
The Circle = ???

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thanks for saving this thread

Nancy Drew fuck you


what an awful drawing

> Muh Jews
Get a life, stormfaggot

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i will now post in your thread

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hating jews is like hating fags. is fun to do it ironically for shit and giggle, but starting thinking shit like that jews controls everything or that gays want to turn your kids into gays is stupid, you’re stupid OP. I will start laughing at you too

this doesn't counter the actual facts behind the jews controlling banks, most porn companies, pretty much all companies that supply trannies with estrogen and whatnot

>hating pedos is now woke
seek help

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Based Okuu

Gay reproduce by molesting kids.


based incel

>trying to gaslight people into thinking they only hate jews, fags, and trannies ironically
ok nosefriend :)

also the 2000+ years of persecution and being expelled from nearly everywhere they have been for no reason other than "envy" or whatever

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>the jews have been persecuted for thousands of years
weak b8

dangerously cringe and bluepilled.

sataniaposters are the true jews

Why is it that for all Yas Forums screeches about the Jews, their actual knowledge or study never goes beyond reading infographics someone else made with dead links for """source""", and they know nothing about the actual Bible or Torah or the history of Judaism apart from the one phrase "They got kicked out everywhere!". I would think if I'm going to dedicate my teens and 20's to exposing an ethno-religious group as the source of the world's problems, I would at least make an effort to understand it and not just repeat the same thing everyone else tells me. I don't care if you dislike Jews, I am neutral on it, but try and at least develop knowledge on it, all of you would get BTFO in a real debate because you spend your time circling Jewish names in red in MS paint instead of learning anything about the actual topic.

The vanish of ethan carter

haha just like white people, maybe they also control everything in secret

what gets me about this shit is that it's not like it's even possible to hide a paper trail these days. yeah Jews own shit. so do a lot of Arabs, Japs, Chinks, apolitical and atheistic Whites, etc. there is by no means a clear majority of ownership in any sector.

>jews are white
user, I...

Nice, but check out this 6.

People have problems with Jews because they're prone to self pity; people have problem with gays because they're irritating. That's really it.

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it isn’t like the holocaust happened or anything

What are some threads where OP is a fag blowing is Yas Forums dog whistle?

this post ends in 7

>only media is connected to hollywood and pornography
>banking is connected to government and the 1%
This makes 2 unconnected triangles, you retard.

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well it didn't

i have a surgeon to recommend you. he's been kicked out of every hospital in the country, but they were totally jealous of him and all independently chose to make him their scapegoats

>jews suffer racism
>decide to escalate their social status and now they’re important businessman
>niggers suffer racism
G-Guys, maybe jews aren’t that bad

politics is the opiate of the masses

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Not the guy you're replying to but you're literally getting mad at double digit IQ mutts for parroting third-position buzzwords.

and the romans. and the egyptians. and themselves before that. racial jews have a storied history of not being able to escape making everyone want them dead.

if that’s the case then they’re right to dislike them. Why all “minorities” are insufferable assholes that screams “muh oppresion”?

m8 the op image is more like a hi-speed transcontinental train whistle

brehs I was being ironic

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Wow real solid counter argument you got there Shlomo. Unfortunately it doesn't refute all the mountains of hard evidence that Jews are literally in control of most institutions in the west.

since when is porn a jewish conspiracy thing?
men like sex and naked women, simple as

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since you are making an active choice to deny the use of understanding and you certainly have no desire to inquisitive in an honest way, why should anyone take the time to answer you seriously?

oh goyim i am also being ironic, nyehwhehehe

I'm not mad, I just want to understand it. None of these guys ever have any real evidence so I just have to assume it's another instance of humans looking for a scapegoat for their unhappy lives.

user. It's literally a fact that Jews own vast majority of institutions of power in the west. It has been incredibly well documented and proven. It's simply the truth, and denying it makes you look fucking stupid.

t. jew

OG deus ex

Why does Yas Forums blame Jewish people,black people and gay people for their problems?

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>why should anyone take the time to answer you seriously?
i didn’t asked for it tho and nobody has to

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Everything you say is a lie. Nice try Chaim.

Don't bother trying to tell them, user, normalfags are pretty much weird to ignore any facts when it comes to jews and will go into full defense mode if they're mentioned

fuck, who drew that
artstyles pretty good, I feel like I might seen it on /ic/ before


You have to be a ridiculous conspiracy theorist to come up with reasons why jews aren't the most powerful ethnic group on the planet. They own google, facebook, youtube, and innumerable other popular websites that make up the modern day "public square" (which is free from actual public square laws, like the first amendment). They also have the most powerful country in the world so in their pocket that all it's political candidates have to swear loyalty to Israel in order to get elected, and once in office can only efficiently do things to benefit jews.

You're a fucking kike shill, or a brainwashed idiot if you're not addressing jewish power as a problem.

if you really want to understand it, go make a thread asking on Yas Forums. you'll get lots of answers

no I'm genuinely curious

>dude jews secretly run the world and they have so for ages and they keep us all down
Wouldn't that make Jews the master race?

>It's literally a fact that Jews own vast majority of institutions of power in the west
yeah, alongside with white people. And I don’t see people making conspiraces about white people trying to control everything and that shit