I can't even fathom how people have convinced themselves the DLC is better than the base game
I can't even fathom how people have convinced themselves the DLC is better than the base game
I've never seen anyone say it's better, but the DLC definitely completes it
>one is set entirely in the worst RE7 environment
>the other features the most unlikable and unrelatable character of all time
>Both remove the horror entirely
I don't get it either
I can't even fathom how people have convinced themselves that RE7 is in any way a good game.
>people have different opinion than me
Is there a more pointless kind of post?
People in recent threads have been making that claim
it just is
It's better than the 2 and 3 remakes
I put it down to zoomers first RE.
It was a good direction but the amount of linear segments and black goo hurt it a lot.
It's ok it's just not RE in any way besides the familiar bio terror. They didn't even get Chris Redfield right, it ain't RE.
RE fans here are shitters with short term memory.news at 11
They need their same 4 characters over and over and over to fuel their meme faggotry.They dont care if RE7 bring back the touch Capcom lost after RE6 and Umbrella corps shitshow.they care only about memes and repetition.
not only RE7 is an amazing game but it also filter the RE virgin faggots waifu obsessed so it's amazing on multiple levels
its more "RE" than anything that came out after REmake.
it is good, you just want another shitty action regame like 4,5 and 6
The stress of needing to figure out an open environment and plan an inventory is there, not executed amazingly well but it's not completely absent like in 4,5,6 and the majority of 3make..
>but the amount of linear segments and black goo hurt it a lot.
>but the amount of linear segments
it isn’t like REmake doesn’t become linear after leaving the mansion
every RE is like that user
Why I have the feeling that the poeple that dislike 7 are the ones that adore 4, 5, 6? Don’t get me wrong, 4 is kino, but it look like the kind of people that prioritizes more about RE being about military stuff than being an horror exploration game.
>inb4 but RE7 sucked as both horror and exploration
yeah but at least is tried. is better to deliver what you fanbase wants even if you fail than to try to do what gives you more money
So it's shit then. Glad you agree.
Its a fine game, but if it was all as good as the swamp house it'd be an easy 8/10.
the escape room was so fucking cool, very few other moments in the whole serie top that
> the puzzle in which you had to watch the vhs tape before doing it and avoidtñ the traps
one of the top RE moments
>get to birthday candle segment after doing it on the VHS tape
>Put the candle on cake
>everything starts on fire like in the tape and I die
>do it again
>bomb falls from the ceiling and am able to blow the wall open
what the fuck
I played through RE7 and the DLC once. Generally enjoyed both but it'll probably be one of the handful of REs I won't replay. Wish it had a bit more camp and I don't like waiting around for the cutscenes
You pulled the thingy out of the barrel didn't you.
You weren't supposed to let the wine leak onto the floor
it would be if it was longer. Capcom needs to stop making these shitty 60$ speedrunner tranny bait games
I like 7, but I wish it had been a prequel set in the early 90's instead of dragging in chinlet Chris and retarded shit like Blue Umbrella. The VHS gimmick works better in a period piece and they could have gone all in on the conspiracy/X Files angle that would fit that time period perfectly.
Have Ethan listening to a Coast to Coast AM style station in his car, with some guy talking about how he saw some weird shit working in an Umbrella warehouse, but no one believes him because they're just some boring company that makes sunscreen and aspirin. Work with that photo from the demo that mentioned black helicopters overflying the area.
Make the Bakers unwitting victims who were downstream of an Umbrella disposal facility or something, and they're now being observed as an experiment in the wild. I'm not opposed to the mold, but don't let some one trick hack write his 2spooky4me ghost girl shit into the game.
Let it stand on its own and end on a dark note, where USS comes in to save the day, then whisks Ethan, Mia and whoever else survived off to an uncertain and probably ugly fate in an Umbrella lab somewhere.
RE7 is an overall solid game. The atmosphere is well done and has legit scares the first playthrough. The combat is simple and sometimes you feel hampered by the aiming system but it does a good job of making you feel like a useless white dude in a situation he has no business being in. The games biggest downside is the short length and lack of enemy variety, but that doesn't make it unplayable.
>lack of enemy variety
That's one of my big issues too. They could have had a few unique molded scattered around at random to mix things up a little. I think the numbers around the main house area line up pretty closely with that list of victims, so they could have done something interesting with that too. If there's going to be a limited enemy variety, at least give them a little individuality instead of just generic copy pasted enemies.
I can't even fathom how people have convinced themselves that resident evil 7 was a good game let alone buying more trash with DLC.
First person is shit chris looks like a faggot.