What did we think of it? Do you think we will ever get a sequel?
2 years and a half later
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It's the second best 3d Mario game, only behind Super Mario Sunshine.
i liked it, but the 3d land/world games were more fun
movement and controls were great
moon design mostly sucked because of the design decision to complete with mobile games for dopamine hits
>new super shit
>"Real Mario Aesthetics"
Nope, get the fuck out kid. Mario games were godtier aesthetics before your generation came around. Not that plastic toony shit. Odyssey > Everything except Deluxe on left
It's shit
ok retard
So, why didn't you put Mario 64 on the left panel?
>85m copies of NSMB sold
yup I'm thinking you're coping
>literal copy and paste content
>half the worlds are still barren
The dragon is cool and so is cascade kingdom fuck you
>real mario aesthethic
>posts yoshi star galaxy, the one grassland with an active volcano in it
Yas Forums seems to hate it but IMO it's the best 3D mario to date and I replay 64 every couple years
>hurr why all marios look the same
>ok, now this mario has totally original locations
>hurr why it doesnt look like mario
its flawed
if you cut out 70% of the moons and worked on making the remaining ones more compelling the game would be very good but as is it's very quantity over quality
that is to say nothing of mario's movement, which is the best feeling in any game
This makes sense, they wanted you to feel like you accomplished something for playing even in small sessions. Still too many moon around though, they should've at least made another mode where you cut down on most moons and only have the ones that would really matter scattered around.
Less extra coins too plz.
If that really mattered then Odyssey would look like NSMB, try again.
But are Real Mario Aesthetics really that important when you have a mediocre game? 3D Land actually made me hate Mario for a while, didn't like that game at all.
shut your fucking shit before i stick my foot so far down your throat you’ll be shitting my shoes for weeks
Come back when you're old enough to put together an actual argument with reasoning.
>threatening someone online
cmon user, i agree with you but thats pretty faggy
Thanks for admiting that you dont have any capacity for argumentation
lol why would anyone prefer the left side??
He's on a magical odyssey. Of course he's going to encounter new and unfamiliar things. That's the whole point of the game.
i won!
As i said, what the fuck do you mean by 85m copies sold
real mario fans that understand the asethetic Yoichi Kotabe put together
God niggers are disgusting creatures.
Galaxy 2 is the best. Odyssey is good but at least 1/3 of the moons are filler. Sunshine is good but it's unfinished and the spray the mario missions are filler and the hotel level was shit.. 64 is good for it's time but overrated by nostalgia fags
it's fun. i'm sure they'll do another mario game someday
It's still my favorite Mario game, I wish we'd get a sequel
The true Mario aesthetic is the Miyamoto one.