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XV and everything related to it sucks.

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Who cares about Metacritic you spineless retard

Lotta drones on Yas Forums huh

I genuinely thought this was just an edit before I looked it up
PC when

It carries more weight than fucking strawpoll.

seems barry is still mad as fuck

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It's worse than asking Yas Forums retards for opinion.

It seems like the weapons they give you at the beginning of this edition are waaaayyy too op. I just picked the game up on psn and I am literally raping everything with the ragnarok sword's warp strikes.

Well yeah don’t use DLC weapons.

It really isn't. Especially nu-Yas Forums.

>metacritic doesn't count if it upsets me

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The VR fishing game is fine.

>Being greeted by Cindy in VR

Metacritic never counts and you’re retarded if you think so

The PC version that's been available for two years is the Royal Edition. They just call it something else for no reason.

okay XVfag

I might just stop using Ragnarok specifically. The other ones don't seem as OP for the point I'm at.

Hell no, they should've just moved on instead of endlessly putting bandaids on something that is rotten to the core or maybe make an ARR style relaunch but now it's too late.

They did a relaunch, with Royal Edition/Windows Edition

>so bad even SE dropped it

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How many singleplayer games get 3 years of support?

Shit game. Honestly in the bottom three with XIII and VIII.

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It’s more fun than either. Couldn’t even play an hour of VIII

Nobody cares about your shit taste, zoomer.

I think it’s not controversial to say XV is a more fun game than those two games

>Buy this game because it's on sale
>Have tempered expectations because Yas Forums is constantly shitting on it
>Having some fun just fucking around using OP dlc weapons they give you
>Finally progress with the plot and go sleep at that pier area
> Weird fevre dream about Noctis' kingdom collapsing and his dad dying
> Next day there are headlines that the kingdom has fallen and we go right back there
That was... sudden. I would've expected more political intrigue to be shown before that sort of thing. Do they expect you to watch the movie before playing the game? Is the rest of the game's story kind of messy like this?

The entire game is “hold attack button to win,” no matter what weapons you use. Most brain dead combat in the franchise, and that’s saying something given that XIII exists.

They hacked the story up to sell a cheap anime series and shit movie.

The game had tons of potential, but they borked it hard and release the most unfinished product in FF history, which is saying something in this franchise. Then they had the stones to try and sell us sections of the main game as DLC as they got around to finishing them. This game destroyed a LOT of good will towards SE in the fanbase, but VIIR seems like a step back in the right direction.

>you can use a Phoenix Down on yourself when you fall in battle

absolutely retarded game

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Dont worry the storytelling gets worse

>Do they expect you to watch the movie before playing the game? Is the rest of the game's story kind of messy like this?
Pretty much. The game was supposed to open in Insomnia and you were supposed to experience its invasion and decline while there. They cut it and turned into a movie with a different protagonist because the game was rushed. You couldn't even play as anyone but Noctis when the game originally came out.

Did it though? It was the first FF since X to sell 8 million copies. And while it took a while to do that number, it did hit 8 million copies by Royal Edition’s release.

I started laughing when I saw the phase mechanic because I thought Yas Forums was memeing about it. I feel like they either should have you actually time the button press correctly or they should have made the mp drain from phasing more significant.

>game has you play as only one character
Man what a piece of shit right

>Story absolutely shredded into a million puzzle pieces that don't fit
>Cut into greedy-ass DLC
>Including one that Square said "lol we ain't making that shit"
>Still have to buy one more DLC after Royal Edition to make the game complete
>Combat is too easy
>Boring sidequests
>Lots of empty driving
>I still fucking love it
Yeah I don't know, either.

Yes, it did. People bought it, and then realized they’d been scammed. You cannot possibly deny that the game is unfinished, even with all of the DLC and patches.

You’re right I can’t. But I also can’t lie about my playtime which is 40 hours on PS4 (release) and 80 hours on PC.

Having no penalties for inbattle item spam was retarded, even FFXIII and VIIR knew better than that and made you sacrifice an ATB bar per item.

Wait til you get the ring, lol. Literally just hold circle and AOE one-shot every enemy around you.

Come on, the fact you can one shot the Ultimate Weapon and Adamantoise is fucking great

I’ve played a decent amount too. The skeleton of a masterpiece is in there, which makes it all the more disappointing that they fucked it up so badly. Could have been the best FF ever with a few more years of production and if they’d nixed all of the absurd cash grabs like the anime and the movie.

>not posting the superior Shrek version