So I basically just keep dodging so I can beat the boss' ass (literally) rinse and repeat? This is so fucking boring bros. The world building is great but the gameplay is just too repetitive. Sekiro is so much more advanced in that regard so I really don't understand all the praise Bloodborne gets.
So I basically just keep dodging so I can beat the boss' ass (literally) rinse and repeat...
Just wait until the chalice dungeons, it's when the game really starts shining.
Sekiro is hot garbage to me. All you can and must do is learn parry pattern and run against a wall a hundred times. In Bloodborne you have at least some room for experiments
>Sekiro is so much more advanced in that regard
At least in fucking Bloodborne i have to use the joy-stick to move.
Sekiro haters
>you have to parry everything it sucks
Also Sekiro haters
>ogre and demon play like Dark Souls bosses it sucks
Every gameplay can be distilled to "do thing/rinse and repeat", retard. I can understand getting bored with a game if you don't enjoy the core gameplay but then you brought up fucking Sekiro which is still a Souls game at its core.
Did I say anything about ogre and demon lmfao?
you didn’t say a lot with that dick up in your mouth lol
No, but you did you say you only have to parry in Sekiro, when it won't even get you past the earliest mini-bosses like ogre and shinobi hunter.
This is like complaining that you beat every enemy with guns in an FPG game.
>so i basically keep dodging and attacking till the credits
>so i basically keep jumping till the credits
>so i basically keep racing till the credits
>so i basically solve puzzles till the credits
>so i basically keep walking forward till the credits
so basically you are fucking retarded and a waste of oxygen
>He didn't chase the Monkey down
Most games demand more from the player than moving around and pressing 2 buttons though
that boss was bullshit
Install the bloodborne combat mod.
oh, sorry. So the game is just learning pressing Square and Circle pattern. Lame
Do they?
I finished the whole game without doing them, then I remembered, after which I proceeded to one shot everything including bosses for hours. Most boring shit I've ever done.
Dodges in Bloodborne
>dodging gives you i-frames, which allow you to evade anything no matter the attack
>it doesn't matter when during the attack you dodge, every dodge is either fail or success
>dodging consumes stamina, which recharges rapidly when you're not dodging
>enemies don't react to your dodges at all, the game is basically red light/green light
>if you shoot some enemies at the right time, you can parry certain attacks, which the game does not indicate, for a visceral attack
>you cannot block attacks at all outside of this
Blocking in Sekiro
>blocking fills your posture bar
>there are three levels of success in blocking depending when you press the button
>the highest level of success will fill the enemy's posture bar
>fully filling the enemy's posture bar will make the enemy open to a deathblow
>having a full posture bar will stagger you if you try to block
>if you deflect however, you will never be staggered
>if you hold your block, your posture bar will go down faster
>there is a multitude of attacks which will damage you through blocks (Ashina cross), deflects (fire damage), stagger you if you block them or outright ignore you blocking or deflecting them
>perilous attacks are indicated specifically by the game and require to be countered in specific ways as they cannot be blocked at all
>thrusts can be deflected, be side stepped or be mikiri countered
>sweeps can be jumped over which allows you to jump on the enemy for posture damage
>grabs need to be evaded completely by moving away
Yes, it's totally the same.
No one gives a shit about your low IQ trials and tribulations, go advertise your shit taste on reddit.
Why does every op have to be a shitposting one? Why can’t we just have a Bloodborne thread? Anons, name your
>favorite weapon
>favorite boss
>favorite area
You can get away with 2 buttons in turn-based games and retro console games I suppose. Other than that I can’t think of many games where you can comfortably overcome most challenge by just pressing 2 buttons. Sekiro requires you to block, jump, dodge and attack to defeat most of the enemies for example.
exactly. sekiro keeps pressuring you to get gud. bloodborne just doesn't care. you can even boost your stats before entering the boss if you suck that much. bb gameplay is a joke compared to sekiro.
>more inputs means more game
Really, nigger?
How hard are the games from hardest to easiest from Demon Souls to Bloodborne, to Sekiro and Nioh?
It do doe.
>Sekiro requires you to block, jump, dodge and attack to defeat most of the enemies for example.
Not really, just hit and run tactics work well enough