How the fuck did Sega never do ANYTHING with the chao garden...

How the fuck did Sega never do ANYTHING with the chao garden? One of the only good things about Sonic Adventure 2 (2nd only to city escape) and they just left it on the table. No mobile games, no downloads, not even a mode in one of the myriad of recent releases.

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I want to fuck both Rouge AND that chao

I wanna fuck Rouge while she wears these

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From what I’ve heard they can’t becuase they lost the code to the chao ai or somthing akin to that, it’s a bit upsetting but what can you do it’s sonic team

That's somehow weirder than wanting to fuck chao to me.

Because they are retarded with big ego's. That is all the explanation needed. Just look at them shoving those ayy lmaos whisps in every game when nobody wants them.

It has been long enough and a simple remake or stand alone with microtransactions would make them millions.

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Then make it again, it's a dreamcast game it's not like it's overly complex. Was it just not a big thing in Japan?

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i'm not sure to understang what you are saying there

chao would be a prime target for microtransaction cancer. i want them to stay dead and buried. sega would completely ruin them.

I’m saying she’d look cute in them and I’d want to bang her as a result