Should I get this? I'm in quarantine anyway

Should I get this? I'm in quarantine anyway

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You're obviously interested in it, why the fuck are you asking us?

>Should I buy these critically-acclaimed games?

Triple Triad game when?

Maybe this version sucks because of shit devs, but i'm too lazy doing my own research so I make a quick thread asking for advice

It will eventually close, derail into waifuposting or maybe an actual discussion

7 is a port of the pc version which is mostly OK besides some lossy audio. The remaster of 8 looks worse than the original but if you never played it maybe you won't be bothered

Do you have a PS4 OP? I only mention it because they are cheap there right now.

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Don't buy FF8 Remastered. It's shit. They even went out of their way to cover up the female models more than making the textures look nice.

>buying 20+ year old games for current systems

Christ, no wonder Nintendo can't go bankrupt with suckers like these.

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If you like these games, why the hell not. You'll get plenty of gameplay out of both

>i am upset that more new players have an opportunity to play a video game that i played before they did

>what are emulators
>b-but muh piracy
>buying 20+ year old games

Get FFXII Zodiac. Best FF

The PS1 trilogy "remasters" have issues, with VIII being the worst.
If you have no other way to play them then go head. Just know that, atleast with VIII, you get
>vaseline smeared backdrops and textures
>misaligned and missing textures on the world map
>battle ui is 15fps (was 60fps in original, and in VIII this actually matters for limit breaks)
>some smooth audio transitions in original now are just odd-sounding cut offs
>no analog movement or rumble
That being said, fast-forwarding looks decent, the new models largely looks pretty good, and the CG's look slightly better without the PS1 compression.
I still say original is the best (for all 3 of the these games) but if you have no choice the remasters are passable. Either way you're getting two of the best JRPGs of all time.

This user is a retard. There are minor texture changes on Rinoa and the Siren summon that look fine, and other lewd shit like Shiva and Ultimecia are kept intact so it's just weird more than anything.

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yes yes user, your internet superiority is preserved, don't worry we all recognise. Blah blah.

good, now bend over

>buying a switch port when you can pirate it on pc/android

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Are PC fats the most obnoxiously selfish platform in video games? Literally always "got mine, fuck yours"

can't say anything about viii but I played vii on switch and it was good
go for it

Imagine getting this defensive over 8 bucks. Like picking out a reaction image and everything haha

just get ff8 and skip 7

While the remaster looks like shit, it does have some nice inbuilt cheats.

Im just laughing at you retards. By all means go ahead and play your ports on the onions machine.

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I'm playing 8 for the first time on my Vita. I'm only like 2 hours in and I'm already getting tired of drawing. Is there an alternative to getting magic?

Imagine paying 8 bucks for FFVIII in any year

You are fucking retarded and blinded by nostalgia.
>we were in the same orphanage and shit
>seifer is presented as that cool rival, but he becomes pathetic and irrelevant in the game.
>all characters are annoying and irrelevant
>love story shoehorned in the game and feels awkward and unnatural as fuck
>story is a fucking dumpster fire
>squall is taking too big of a spotlight in the game. (oh this hot teacher is into you, and btw you are our new commander, oh your daddy is president of esthar. oh and this rich chick is into you, oh and you are the chosen one and a legendary seed) His dick is fucking sucked nonstop and you have to fucking watch like a cuck. Fuck that shit.

You are fucking braindead if you think 7 is worse than 8.

>more expensive than 15 on psn

you can use the summon abilities to transform items / cards into magic.

8 was great if you hacked the game for 99 of all magics. Otherwise, it is tedious. I would get it if you want a good game that may be worth alot in cart form later. Has bugs though. Ff7 crashes randomly.

The ports are fine, same issues as every other post-PS1 version except they patched the FF7 music bug (which was there at launch).

Best way to play is still the discs or the PS3/Vita versions (which are just the PS1 versions emulated) but they're still fine.

>by all means
I think that would actually make you mad though.

>blinded by nostalgia
I LITERALLY beat VIII for the first time this week, whereas I played VII about 5 years ago.
>we were in the same orphanage and shit
Seems like an asspull but is properly explained and not a coincidence.
>seifer is presented as that cool rival, but he becomes pathetic and irrelevant in the game.
Again, intentional. What seemed like the cool dude was actually a glorified otaku pretending to be a character from his favorite movie.
>all characters are annoying and irrelevant
I like Zell and Selphie's lightheartedness and how Irvine played off the female party members as a womanizer. Definitely not the strongest party though.
>love story shoehorned in the game and feels awkward and unnatural as fuck
I kind of agree, but this is true for every FF with a romance.
>story is a fucking dumpster fire
To a degree yes, but I appreciate how it leaves some parts open to interpretation. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the series where everything is blatantly explained. I feel the same way about the junction system: some elements fall flat but it at least tried something different.
Laguna's story was pretty great too.
>squall is taking too big of a spotlight in the game. (oh this hot teacher is into you, and btw you are our new commander, oh your daddy is president of esthar. oh and this rich chick is into you, oh and you are the chosen one and a legendary seed) His dick is fucking sucked nonstop and you have to fucking watch like a cuck. Fuck that shit.
Squall is unironically the best protag in the series, and one of the best characters in the series behind Vivi. Get filtered pleb.

I realize VIII, just like II, is pretty niche in a series known for its wide appeal due to some odd gameplay systems, but its still a great game. If nothing else it has some of the best music and set pieces in the series.

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Those are botched ports, dont bother.
Get the pc versions with those neat AI upscales for backgrounds, many times better than the blurry ass shit of the remasters.

>Squall is unironically the best protag in the series
Teenager detected.
>This lion thing here? Of course it has a name duh!
Autistic as fuck. Who the fuck gives a fucking necklace a name?

Also he admitted that he is only acting detached and deep inside he cares what others think. It's all just a show. He is like a kid who is trying too hard to act cool and be admired, but doesn't even know who he is. Cringe as fuck.