Imagine actually backing this fucking game, thinking it would ever be released...

Imagine actually backing this fucking game, thinking it would ever be released. It's the yanderesim of shitty indie earthbound ripoffs

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Actual talent is behind this one, which only makes it sadder. Another faggot ruins his entire career by going patreon.

Why are you obsessed over this game? Were you the one spamming YIIK threads for years too? Do you just think you can only generate discussion of these games by shitposting?



OMOCAT is some nip who spent patreon money on plastic surgery.

>It's the yanderesim of shitty indie earthbound ripoffs
at least they actually made progress

i started making my game when i found out this fucker got 200k to make an RPG maker game

I'm still not done but and i'd feel bad about it but this loser has a team of "programmers", artists and composers and 200k dollaroos and STILL can't manage to turn out a simple RPG maker game not to mention the fact that she's just making an inferior yume nikki ripoff

Not a single person thinks about YIIK outside of the devs you autistic faggot. Nobody is buying your game. Nobody is buying this game ever as well apparently.

sauce? sounds like a fun read, you got anymore dirt on this?