

Attached: turok2.jpg (616x353, 130.37K)

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sneeds of evil

>Port of Adia starts playing

Greetings, Turok. I am Adon.

Attached: Adon.webm (352x640, 1.17M)

It's a nice game, but people pretend that it was a non-stop rollercoaster of ultraviolence, when in reality it was short snippets of action strewn inbetween long segments of tedious walking around.

>but people pretend that it was a non-stop rollercoaster of ultraviolence
Said nobody ever.

Not really, there wasn't as much tedious walking around as you think

If you got lost, sure but the levels are mostly straightforward

where the fuck do you go in this game? What do i do? Why's it so confusing?

Great game brought down by maze levels.

you walk forward
collect objectives as you go
activate switches to open doors
kill enemies

Is it possible for turok to even come back now a days? Would there be appeal for that kinda game? Do acclaim still own it, are they even around anymore?

>brought down by maze levels.
Why is this bad now? I see people shit on Doom for the same thing.

>Make this ebony white sexy alien chick
>Make her bland human in 3
This will never make stop being irritated.

t. retard who couldn't handle Turok 2's godly level design and exploration.
go play some Serious Semengulper if you want braindead non-stop shitty enemies jumping at you by the dozens

this game's ost is ludo as fuck

seeing they can't even bring turok 3 to pc I think is not

remaster when

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Acclaim died like 15 or so years ago.

I wouldn't call it godly, some of the levels like the hive of the mantids in particular are full of hallway crawls between boxes

Attached: T2_Level_V_-_Hive_of_the_Mantits.jpg (1000x785, 112.34K)

>seeing they can't even bring turok 3 to pc
Says fucking who? the guy in charge of all these remasters, Kaiser, specializes in reverse-engineering games like these to bring them to modern systems.

The latest game in the series is some bizarre ultra kawaii reboot adventure game based off the original comics that has no relation to any of the games, who knows who even owns the IP


It's actually a good game but what where they thinking

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Maze levels are bad.


An open-world FPS with lots of different biomes inhabited by lots of different dinomes living their lives.

Attached: AnimalsThroughTimeM2-Thumbnail-1920x0180.png dl=1.jpg (1920x1080, 272.29K)

Actually the HD remaster fixes all the pacing issues. I enjoyed it way more than Doom 2016

Obtuse confusing level design isn't good.

>what where they thinking
They were thinking about making a game based on the old 50s comics. There's nothing wrong with that. It has no relation to the 90s Turok games/comics.

Playing Ark only made me want a modern turok game even more.

Oh, hey, it's the faggot who's afraid of buttons from the Doom 64 thread yesterday.

>possibly the biggest levels in a game at the time
>it's 99% repeated corridors and you can't see past 10 feet
thanks n64. Game sucks now that it's playable, turns out it was 100% nostalgia.

Turok 1 & 2 had existing PC ports to work with. 3 doesn't.


Can we rangeban all zoomers?

Nope. But, again, maze levels are a bad thing. Yes, objectively.

Agreed, we need to get rid of people who think any of the Turdrok games are good.

Doom 64 did but he managed that just fine.

Guess you weren't around when the game was originally released.

I bet you're white too.

Like I told you in the previous thread, because yes, you are the same faggot from before, you won't find maze levels outside of Wolf 3D and its clones. Doom clones and beyond don't use maze levels.

I was the first in level to buy Turok 2 on launch day at my mall's EB Games, don't presume to know anything about me.

You keep right on believing that I'm your boogeyman.


That's cute user

You are but that's irrelevant. You clearly don't know what 'maze levels' are so just be quiet.

well, it's better than the last turok reboot.

>Now people are shitting on Turok for the sake of being contrarians
How do we genocide white people?

>Yas Forumsposting
You're just as bad as them.

I'm aware of the fact that Turok 2 had maze levels, and they were awful. It isn't actually up for debate since it's a game one can play and see for themselves.

So what you're saying is almost as stupid as telling me who I am. For the record, I am not the guy you talked to last time but I don't think I'm going to be able to get you to understand this.

I dont know anyone who grew with n64 that dont love Turok and we're all white here

Fuck off turdskin

I'm sorry user. I'm just getting sick of people hating fun and it's always usually white boys.

The "Maze Levels" in this game really aren't that bad, if anything the new port made it more obvious

>Run through the level collecting objectives as you go
>Use the map to make sure you've went everywhere
>Note any talisman spots you can't use yet
>Return to the level after you've collected that talisman in a future level

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Well you're correct about your final statement, because you have the exact same opinion and speaking pattern as 'him;' I'm not retarded, m8, it's really fucking obvious you're the same guy. Well, anyway, you're wrong about "maze levels", it's as simple as that. Now piss off.

I agree with the first part but seriously, shut the fuck up about race. Stop acting like Yas Forums, it will never accomplish anything except fueling the shitpost fire.

>specializes in reverse-engineering games like these to bring them to modern systems.
amazing user, still no turok 3 on pc

>>Note any talisman spots you can't use yet
>>Return to the level after you've collected that talisman in a future level
This is what sends brainlets into a frenzy. Morons can't into backtracking, which is why games like this or Hexen get unnecessarily shit on.

the remaster has an editor, just saying

It's not a matter of it not being possible, they either don't want to or they're working on it quietly. There is no widespread love for Turok 3 which could easily factor into why it hasn't been done yet.