Vidya with the most realistic combat?
Vidya with the most realistic combat?
I dunno. Bushido Blade?
Kingdom Come has realistic duels
Bannerlord has realistic battles
Akiba's Trip
Games with zweihanders?
dark souls
what games can I bludgeon someone with the hilt of the sword like an absolute grug?
swords and sorcery
We just had this thread user
>blunt damage ignores armor
this is fucking stupid
i want to see people slash at each other and not this gay retard who just handles it like a stick
Those moves look pretty neat, but just how many people could pull them off at the time? Weren't most fights between armored opponents just wrestling matches that would end with getting stabbed between armor plates?
Actual melee with plates were probably pretty rare.
The wrestling was more to pin and confirm who was under the armor. Only people who could afford armor were rich as fuck and made great prisoners to ransom off
That exactly how swords were used. If you're using a sword against an armored opponent instead of shaking down peasants for the local castle, something went wrong
Who knows for sure. In real life, people dont square off and respectfully duel each other. Fights ended in fucking seconds and yeah, it mostly turned into Wrestlemania
>Arrows don't penetrate plate
the moves are meme tier, you'd just kick the faggots legs out and shank him in the neck.
Blade and Sorcery for the VR has by far the most realistic swordfighting you are gonna get.
You can grab your blade anywhere and in the next update armor is coming. Currently you can download an armor mod aswell that has functional armor where even bashing with a mordhau grip does little unless you hit em square on the head.
The game has a flourish modding community, i think it was in the top 20 on nexus.
If you do not have VR Kingdom Come is what you have. The combat is a little jenk but gets very jank when fighting against more than 2 people due to the lock on system.
>he grabs your outstretched leg and throws you on the ground, then shanks you
How quick would the Swedes adapt to semi-auto weapons if airdropped to them in the 16th century?
exactly, no messing around with faggot tourny fighting moves that don't work IRL
Your clip explistely shows an arrow not penetrating plate
Learning how to use them? Pretty quick. Supplying gunpowder? Not so much
in this video they come to the conclusion that arrows don't penetrate plate lmao
Oh hey, this thread's back.
I'll just post Hundt again because it's funny shit. Remember, rapiers are the best throwing weapon.
Jesus this is beyond gay. He's clearly losing on purpose so they can make it look like holding the blade is better.
This is straight up an anime move
Are you dumb?
Why are these two doofuses ragdolling so easily? Not realistic at all lmao
its just ancient tournament style fighting, the people who think this shit works in a real fight are the same people who think tourny style martial arts work in a real fight today.
tree of savior has the doppelsoldner class
These dudes trying to kill each other?
You're fucking retarded if you can't see they are clearly hamming it up for the camera and decided how to make the fight go before starting.
Kingdfdom come has one of worst combat systyems in games from last 20 years, you gotta be sick to claim that.
It's so ridiculously bad and fails so ahrd one verythign it tries to do i jsut straight up tell people it jsut don't have combat at all.
If you think highly of kingdom come combat you do not like videogames
>Literally shoots under the plate and through the mail
>ArRoWs DoNt PeNeTrAtE pLaTe
That's similar to how all modern "martial arts" and dojos work, they have a master who kick the asses of pupils who are literally there acting like retarded extras from a movie to be defeated by him
Why does the archer stick his ass out so much? Whats with his weird stance
>mail = plate
Yes, platemail.