Anyone else get the vibe that they're going for Tifa x Barrett couple in the remake?

Anyone else get the vibe that they're going for Tifa x Barrett couple in the remake?

It looks like they're not gonna kill Aerith due to the timelines feature, so they will spend the next game developing Cloud and Aeriths relationship more.

Tifa and Barrett makes more sense when you think about it. They have been friends for ages, Marlene loves Tifa like a mother and the two of them have a great relationship on screen. I definitely think Tifa and Barrett will be a couple.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck hes huge
How could she resist

Attached: e3c.png (750x751, 83.04K)

It's gonna be
Cloud and Tifa
Zack and Aerith
Like always

Im not gunna lie I got the same vibe. I doubt it will happen like said but from how much Tifa cares about Barrett I could see it. Idk Might be cute

>friends for ages
>Tifa like a mother
>will be a couple
ffs read between the lines they already are.

go to watch cuck porn, faggots

I guess that makes sense.

Real life isn't like your racist circle jerks. Nobody cares about race mixing anymore in 2020.

Why are there so many fucking cucks on this site? Is it really some discord tranny psy-op?

I'm gonna insert as Tifa for this one

Would be fun Just to Ruin NTR fags
>Barret and Tifa are a loving couple soo what you gonna do,NTR Barret with Cloud?kek

Go to bed Aerith


Attached: tifa coalburner.png (685x342, 206.4K)

barret's hooking up with that clearly outsourced side quest teacher lady

asians do

I still do, faggot. Subhuman racemixers deserve the rope.

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Tifa was made for it, Cloud could very fulfill her desires let alone satisfy her. If he's lucky he might get a taste after.

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KEKED and BLACKED. She wasn't going to wait around for ever.

Hello newfag, let me explain it to you:

People aren't into cuckold they just shitpost about it because they know there will be someone who will get angry about it.
This website has devolved into posting dumb stuff to get a reaction out of you.
Funnily enough you'll find out that the same people who get mad about this are doing it in pure fun (Some of them at least)
Knowledge is power but before I go here's a golden advice:
Lurk moar

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Visually I like them more than Cloud x Tifa
>hurrr cuck
Barret is an actual man, with facial hair, non-gay haircut, muscles, tattoos. Cloud is a huge faggot. The only way Tifa x Barret is a cuck ship is if you self-insert as Cloud, which you have to be a huge HIV ridden faggot to do so.

That being said, Cloud tried to join Soldier just to impress her, I think he deserves her for that.

Combine with lots BRniggers on/v/ and the fact It pisses people off.
Its the only thing nigger have...and its not even by they own merit Jews have to do all the work to spread the bullshit.

Considering Aerith is not dying in this timeline, Tifa will need to end with someone else I guess.

Attached: I don't know.png (1440x1426, 969.06K)

>People aren't into cuckold they just shitpost about it because they know there will be someone who will get angry about it.
visit Yas Forums some time
they're not memeing

Tifa is for Barret

Attached: bestship.jpg (585x809, 86.32K)

>A blonde twink cucking the Kang of his Nip wife
Truly a sophisticated fetish

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Dumb faggot, TifaXbarret is a patrician's taste that goes beyond you tranny shit

Is Square stupid/suicidal enough to go down that route to begin with?

Aerith's definitely gonna end up with Zack
Tifa, Cloud and Barret won't hook up with anyone

This is a shitpost thread user? Of course not.

Zack will die though, nobody gives a fuck about him, best case scenario he is stuck in this own alternative universe.

what if cloud is the one who dies?

>arm bigger than her torso

His hands must be huge. he cold crush her.

based, cuck trannies get the rope

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>nobody gives a fuck about him
Squeenix does and that's all that matters, FF4 isn't that popular but they'll continue to re-release it on every system forever because a higher up with the company likes the game for example, they don't give a shit.
Also Aerith's VA and Zack's VA are married IRL.