Lol in 2020

How do I actually become half decent at this game?
Every fucking time I either get ganked or just do a stupid mistake that costs entire team a match. I made a new account because I thought that I'd do better by starting over again but I keep failing at it, is it time to just give up and not ruin people's game's or there's hope?

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pick a carry and carry your braindead teammates to victory, also don't fall for the "supports can carry and are important too" meme.
Also the most important (and therefore most mind numbingly boring) thing to do is training to kill the minions, getting their gold without missing is worth waaaaaaay more than trying to score a random kill.

Alright then, what lane is the best for actually farming on minoins? I used to main Ahri until I eventually got bored of her and wanted to try something new, then I started playing as Morde but I'm not really into tanks and as time went on I decided to play Akali since I like to play aggressively.

>learn to farm properly
>ward your lane
>it is better to be safe and consistent than flashy and inconsistent
>pick an easy to learn champ and spam it
>roam if you have pushed your lane, help your jungler invade / secure crabs

there, you are at least gold now

pretty much this

it is also more important to be content with your own performance than actually winning a game. When you lose but can still truthfully say that you tried your best losing will feel half as bad

Go Mid/Support. Pick Annie. You will get to Platinum I no problem, trust me.

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Why do people still play this shit game?

Just watch high elo players, reverse enginner why they do what they do, and keep playing

Uh... Not Jungle and not support? Like, is this a trick question? Solo lanes and ADC obviously are always trying to get as much farm as possible. If you want to try to not only score all the farm, but also counter jungle the enemy jungler, then go toplane; someone like Tryndamere is a god-tier "just farm if you get behind while split pushing and counter jungling AND YOU WIN". I'm a Plat IV who faces Diamonds because of my MMR, so I'm technically only "good" at the game, not "the best" (I ain't no Diamond I pro), but I've been playing since Season 2 (off and on) so take my advice as you will. I also main top/mid.

Also, mute someone at the first toxic message they leave. It's better to play for fun and not deal with shitters screaming about how "I dindu nuffin wrong! my team sucks!" in all chat. It will also improve your performance, because those shitters can tilt even a calm-minded pro at times.

Along with the advice in the thread, 100% this. Find a champion you think you want to main, then look up the best NA/EU players who stream and talk about why they do stuff (like FoggedFTW if you want to main Tryndamere, or Trick2G if you want to main Udyr), watch a few of their games, and then try implementing it. It's how I learned how to be a Tryn main and to win even if I lose in lane.

Learn matchups. It does not matter how “good” you are at the champion you are playing. It’s a matter of knowing what your enemy is using their resources on. Playing roles like support and jungle often teaches the best skills. Things like time management, positioning, etc.

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I turned off all chat messages and only communicate with pings and in champ select and I have never been happier. I main jungle, a role where team play is probably the most important and pings are really enough

Annie is kinda trash tier right now in the League of Mobility/Range. She's only a decent battlemage who has too many counters and is outbursted by other Battle Mages in the current meta. Her lack of mobility and range mixed together is a terrible combo for the last few metas, and until she gets a rework to be able to fit into this new game that Riot's constructed (due to so many reworks and overhauls), she's gonna be low/mid-tier at best.

Really? I keep chat on and joke with players until they leave their first toxic message. Then I mute all their messages and pings. It's annoying to get spam pinged "missing" on your champion whenever you die or if you are not exactly positioned right where they want you to be. I just turn off pings because toxic players will be toxic through pings too. If you've got map awareness, you don't really need their pings anyways; not like toxic players actively contribute tactical data to the team.

Pick a champ with no real counters and try to always have perfect cs by 10 minutes. By your first post-10 minute recall you'll be obscenely far ahead of your lane and can start to bully them. Play safe and don't go for kills until then. This will get you to Plat unironically.

I'd just stop playing personally. Matches are a huge time sink and it's been like 10 years and they haven't added any new maps ot anything. Fucking snooze fest.

It was mainly because I wanted to get better at the game and flame does drag me down a bit. LoL players aren't the funniest individuals anyway, so I don't feel like I'm missing much.

I might want to try this game again, but what was this about Chingchong spyware on your PC?

Go to bed nick, you've gotta cast lck in the morning

>go annie top
>teammates rage and seethe
>"trolling time" they say
>go from iron 4 to plat 1 in no time

i got permabanned in 2016 for passive agressive comments, i never actually insulted anyone just went shit like "fucking great, amazing team" etc.
fuck them because they unban pro players if they just ask nicely but regular players cannot ask for second chance

It was confirmed by a Riot Employee leaker that Riot sells user data to the Chinese, who use the data and chat logs of accounts to create databases that link user accounts to real life personas, using that data to create social credit scores for people around the globe. Its anti-cheat also connects directly to your kernel, potentially allowing the Chinese to monitor all of your actions and data beyond just your League account, allowing them to more easily connect user data to real life persons through things like monitoring social media useage by accounts through computer kernel spyware.

It was a huge scandal that Riot covered up through that sexual harassment lawsuit that went around a bit ago.

>go annie top
>"Lol I'm so good!"
>get rek'd in lane, constantly ganked due to squishy nature, low range, and low mobility
>team has to carry you
>win game
>"Lol. All me! xD"

I just want to play video games, why does all this shit happen?
Why is nothing sacred anymore?

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Stop supporting China.

Ignore literally every one saying to play ADC, theyre either hard stuck in iron or havent touched the game in years. ADC is the worst role to play as at the moment, even if youre trying to carry. ADCs have the worst itemization out of any other role, and the chances of you not only getting ahead but also being able to carry are extremely thin. If you wanna climb go mid and play mage, dont fall for the assassin meme unless the assassin is also a mage. And if you still want to fuck with going bot, then just play a mage and tell your mid to go fuck himself and play AD or something.

enjoy your yasuo support lol

You mean. Sure I ain't Diamond, but I've seen enough Annie tops (and tried to meta break with Annie top when I was an Annie main in Season 5) to know it just straight up doesn't work.

>ADCs have the worst itemization out of any other role
>a role that is completely dependent on items has the worst itemization

How can someone fuck up a moba that badly?

you're actually willing to learn which is something most people at your tier aren't going to do, so cheers to you
see first.
learn to accept that 99% of the people that play this game are severely autistic and have no hands with which to play, so play around that.
learn to manage yourself but be open to team coordination if by some ungodly stroke of luck you have a cooperative team, you can work with them, but you will almost never have that in early ranks, you just have to deal.
learn and refine fundamentals first on a hero that is piss easy to learn or braindead, most of the game is fundamental skills checks and much less often a specific hero skill check. then get harder champs from there once you're good with your basics. every few ranks you're going to need to step up your fundamentals game, gold and above people at least have hands

Mid would be the best, you can either farm and get big, or roam and help your adc (or top if he have a carry champ), also most of the time you should try to avoid helping a losing lane and instead help the winning one instead.
Perma-muting your teammates on the option menu also help because the moment you start fighting you already have a foot on the grave.

>go vayne
>build Btork
>win 80%+ of your games

so hard

I haven't played since Kayn came out. Are the new champs more super gimmicky shit?

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